JK罗琳,你错了! 给JK罗琳的一封信

▲ 「台湾女拳王」林郁婷5比0完胜挺进金牌战。(图/路透)

● 王婉谕/时代力量党主席

巴黎奥运女子拳击57公斤级4强赛,「台湾女拳王」林郁婷3回合皆以5比0夺下胜利,击败土耳其选手卡拉曼(Esra Yildiz Kahraman),抢下金牌战门票,也是台湾首位打进奥运拳击金牌战的选手。

这几天,林郁婷遭到了扑天盖地的网路霸凌,J.K. 罗琳赤裸裸的歧视言论、拿不出证据却不断抹黑林郁婷性别问题的国际拳击协会(IBA),让大家为林郁婷感到非常不舍。

如果您也认同下这段写给 J.K. 罗琳的公开信,欢迎转贴分享给您的国内外友人,一起理直气壮地支持林郁婷,替林郁婷加油!

J.K. 罗琳,你错了!



▲ J.K. 罗琳的言论有巨大的影响力,可能因此让其他人受到伤害。(图/路透社)







最后,我希望复述一次 IOC 的声明,每个人都有权利不受歧视地从事体育运动,女人当然也是。

▲ 每个人都有权利不受歧视地从事体育运动,女人当然也是。(图/达志影像/美联社)

►►►思想可以无限大--喜欢这篇文章? 欢迎加入「云论粉丝团」看更多!

J.K. Rowling, You Are Wrong

“Every person has the right to practice sport without discrimination.” Women, too.

Many of your recent remarks about Yu-Ting Lin are not just incorrect, they are unjust. It's not because she is my fellow citizen that I feel compelled to correct you, but because your words have significant influence. It is my duty to offer a different perspective and speak up for the women who might be hurt by your tweets.

As a female leader of a political party in Taiwan, I am well aware of the excessive criticism women face when they step onto the public stage. When we hold a microphone, some say we are too masculine, not feminine enough. When Yu-Ting Lin puts on boxing gloves, some say she is too strong, not delicate enough, not womanly enough.

But we must stand up again even if we are down for counts.

As a woman who loves sports and was the director of the gymnastics club during my school days, I am all too familiar with the heavy societal expectations of what a woman should look like. These expectations should not be the yellow wallpaper that limits a woman's development, whether in appearance, personality, or physicality.

▲ Heavy societal expectations should not be the yellow wallpaper that limits a woman's development.(Photo/Reuters)

There is no doubt that Yu-Ting Lin is biologically female. She received her identification number, starting with the digit 2, when she was born in Taiwan in 1995. In Taiwan, the number on the ID card signifies the hospital and government's determination of her biological sex, a physical fact that is 100% reliable.

"The International Boxing Association (IBA)'s recognition has long been withdrawn by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2023 due to governance issues and alleged corruption."

In 2023, Yu-Ting Lin lost her bronze medal qualification based on the "biochemical" tests mandated by the IBA rather than DNA testing, solely by the IBA Secretary General and CEO's unilateral statement. Some question whether Yu-Ting Lin is a DSD (Differences of sex development), but no scientific evidence shows that DSD directly affects athletic performance. In fact, the diversity in genes and hormones makes each individual unique, contributing to the beauty and diversity of the world and the exciting performances at the Olympics.

Since 2013, Yu-Ting Lin has participated in various competitions without any issues. The IOC has emphasized that the IBA's decision was arbitrary and contrary to principles of good governance.

Furthermore, the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit (PBU) based its medical regulations on those of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, based on the 2016 Rio Olympics organized by the IBA. These medical determination rules apply to most international competitions.

Yu-Ting Lin's outstanding performance in boxing has brought her overwhelming online bullying and gender questioning. This is not what she deserves, simply because she is a woman.

In conclusion, I wish to reiterate the IOC's statement: "Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination." Women, too, deserve this right, and we must strive to make it a reality.

▲ Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination. Women, too.(Photo/Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee)

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