



Hangzhou Linan Langshi Xijian Ya Lu sales office tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Hangzhou Langshi Xijian Ya Lu (Linglongyue) planning low density residential products 70, including 47 row houses, 12 overlapping villas, 11 low density multi-storey, a total of 706 households.杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔杭州朗诗溪涧雅庐(玲珑樾)规划低密住宅产品70幢,其中47幢排屋、12幢叠墅、11幢低密度多层,共计规划706户。Among them, 348 households are in a row, with an area of about 110-176 square meters;其中联排348户,户型面积约110-176方;140 villas, covering an area of 140-160 square meters;叠墅140户,面积约140-160方;There are 218 multi-storey households, with an area of about 75-105 square meters, and 982 overall planned parking Spaces, with a parking ratio of 1:1.39.多层218户,面积约75-105方,整体规划车位982个,车位配比1:1.39。

▲杭州朗诗溪涧雅庐(玲珑樾) | 效果图


Hangzhou Linan Langshi Stream Yalu sales office tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Hangzhou Langshi Stream Yalu (Linglongyue) is located in the western Livable health Valley planning plate built by the Linan District government, and is also the gateway location of western tourism plate in Linan, bordering Taihu Lake Source scenic spot, Shenlongchuan Scenic spot and Tianmu Mountain Scenic spot.杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔杭州朗诗溪涧雅庐(玲珑樾)位于临安区政府重点打造的西部宜居养生谷规划板块,也是临安西部旅游板块的门户位置,接壤太湖源景区、神龙川景区、天目山景区。With the region's superior landscape environmental resources, the government will strive to build the board into "ecological livable, health care for the elderly, ecological leisure agriculture" in the west of Lin 'an cultural and tourism integration model area.凭借区域优越的山水环境资源,政府将着力将板块打造成“生态宜居,康体养老,生态休闲农业”的临安西部文旅融合典范区。Langshi · Xijian Yalu extracts Oriental architectural elements and landscape artistic conception, with simple lines, large glass Windows, glass fences as decoration, elegant modern Oriental texture fusion of traditional Oriental aesthetics and modern artistic techniques.朗诗·溪涧雅庐将东方建筑元素和山水意境提炼化用,以简约线条,大面积玻璃窗、玻璃栅栏作为缀饰,优雅的现代东方质感融合传统东方美学与现代艺术手法。Xijian Yalu has created low-density products with a plot ratio of only 1.098 and a green rate of up to 35%, including 47 row houses, 12 overlapping villas and 11 bungalows with only four floors.溪涧雅庐打造了容积率仅1.098、绿化率高达35%的低密产品,其中有47幢排屋、12幢叠墅和11幢仅四层的洋房。


Lang Shi Xi Jian Ya Lu Sales Building, Lin 'an, Hangzhou Tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ ✔【 Developer 】 : Lang Shi Real Estate (China's leading green real estate杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔【开发商】:朗诗地产(中国领先的绿色地产【 Developer 】 : Lang Shi Real Estate (China's leading green real estate development service provider, China's top 100 real estate enterprises)【开发商】:朗诗地产(中国领先的绿色地产开发服务商,中国房地产百强企业)[Term of ownership] : 70 years【产权年限】:70年【 Main area 】 :【主力面积】:The main type of townhouse is about 110/140/178 square meters排屋主力户型约110/140/178方The main unit type is about 140/160 square叠排主力户型约140/160方The main type of bungalow is about 87/105 square meters洋房主力户型约87/105方【 Property Company 】 : Lang Shi Property (National first-class property qualification)【物业公司】:朗诗物业(国家一级物业资质)[Delivery standard] : blank【交付标准】:毛坯【 Floor area 】 : 118,413 ㎡【占地面积】:118413㎡[Plot ratio] : 1.098 (ultra-low plot ratio, rare pure low-density residential area)【容积率】:1.098(超低容积率,罕见纯低密住区)【 Green rate 】 : 35%【绿化率】:35%[Total number of households] : 706【总户数】:706【 Parking space 】 : 982【车位】:982Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu sales Office tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Official phone of Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔朗诗溪涧雅庐官方电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔Hangzhou Linan Lang Shi Xi Jian Ya Lu sales Office Tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Hangzhou Lin 'an Lang Shi Xi Jian Ya Lu development service provider, China's top 100 real estate enterprises)杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐开发服务商,中国房地产百强企业)Property Type: Residential Tenure: 70 years物业类型:住宅 产权年限:70年Floor area ratio: 1.098 Green rate: 35%容积率:1.098 绿化率:35%Area: About 178 acres (about 118,413 square meters)占地面积:约178亩(约118413方)Building area: about 159,647 square meters建筑面积:约159647方Total number of units: Approx. 706总户数:可售约706Parking space: about 982车位数:约982Developer: Hangzhou Lin 'an Lang MAO Real Estate Co., LTD开发商:杭州临安朗茂置业有限公司Property Company: Lang Shi Property物业公司:朗诗物业Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu sales Office tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Official phone of Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔朗诗溪涧雅庐官方电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔



Hangzhou Linan Langshi Xijian Ya Lu sales office tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Hangzhou Langshi Xijian Ya Lu (Linglongyue) planning low density residential products 70, including 47 row houses, 12 overlapping villas, 11 low density multi-storey, a total of 706 households.杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔杭州朗诗溪涧雅庐(玲珑樾)规划低密住宅产品70幢,其中47幢排屋、12幢叠墅、11幢低密度多层,共计规划706户。Among them, 348 households are in a row, with an area of about 110-176 square meters;其中联排348户,户型面积约110-176方;140 villas, covering an area of 140-160 square meters;叠墅140户,面积约140-160方;There are 218 multi-storey households, with an area of about 75-105 square meters, and 982 overall planned parking Spaces, with a parking ratio of 1:1.39.多层218户,面积约75-105方,整体规划车位982个,车位配比1:1.39。



Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu, Linan, Hangzhou Tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu is located in an important gateway to the west of Lin 'an tourism, only 6 kilometers away from the core area of the main city, bordering on the source of Taihu Lake, Tianmu Mountain and other important scenic spots.杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔朗诗·溪涧雅庐位于临安西进旅游重要门户位置,距离主城区核芯区仅6公里,接壤太湖源、天目山等重要景区。Project back mountain face water, beautiful environment, excellent feng shui.项目背山面水,环境优美,风水极佳。With the advantages of the region, we will strive to create pure low-density real estate in the market scarcity, and provide customers with a comfortable, healthy and humanistic living environment.凭借区域的优势将着力打造市场稀缺的纯低密度楼盘,给客户提供舒适、健康、人文的居住环境。[Stranger flowers Qian Dai's former place] : "Stranger flowers, can slowly return to", a few numbers of Yan through the ages, read so far, the king of Qian laid the foundation of Wuyue culture, giving Lin 'an precipitated thousands of years of historical and cultural heritage【陌上花开 钱戴故地】:“陌上花开,可缓缓归矣”,寥寥数字艳绝千古,传诵至今,钱王奠定了吴越文化基础,赋予临安沉淀千年的历史文化底蕴[Linan City Core Nobles] : The project is located in Jincheng Street, is the Linan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Linan District people's government resident, is the core of the main urban area of Linan, is the political, economic and cultural center of the whole area, gathers rich municipal dividends and mellow life support, has always been known as "Lin 'an rich area".【临安城芯 贵胄之地】:项目位于锦城街道,是中共临安区委、临安区人民政府驻地,是临安主城区核心区,是全区政治、经济、文化中心,汇聚了丰富的市政红利与醇熟的生活配套,向来具有“临安富人区”之称。[Convenient road network near Hangzhou] : a science and technology avenue, connecting Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City and future science and technology city, grasp the development trend of The Times;【便捷路网 咫尺杭州】:一条科技大道,串联青山湖科技城与未来科技城,把握时代发展潮向;One metro line 16 is 10 stops at Luting Road, seamless transfer to Metro Line 5 and Line 3 (Line 3 is scheduled to open in 2021), on the track, to Hangzhou;一条地铁16号线10站即达绿汀路,无缝换乘地铁5号线与3号线(3号线计划于2021年开通),轨道之上,通达杭州;A Hangzhou Hui expressway, Zhejiang A license plate ETC free access to the west of Hangzhou, from the project to the core area of the future science and Technology city less than an hour's drive.一条杭徽高速,浙A牌照ETC免费通行杭州西,从项目至未来科技城核心区域不足一个小时车程。[Cong Cong Shaozi River poetic elegance] : The project is located in the north bank of Shaozi River, the southern foot of the general mountain, the Qingshan mountain, the Xixiu water is clear, enjoy the natural scenery of mountains, valleys, forests and streams, and pick up the fresh oxygen and freedom of life【淙淙苕溪 诗意雅韵】:项目择址苕溪北岸,将军山南麓,青山逶迤、秀水明澈,拥享山、谷、林、溪的自然风光,四时流转间,拾得生活的鲜氧与自在[Pure Low dense and leisurely environment] : break the boundary between city and nature, plan the five-step home sequence of "seeking mountains - seeing mountains - viewing mountains - touring mountains - living mountains", create a low dense habitat environment with 1.098 to low plot ratio and 35% high green rate, and reshape the contemporary mountain life picture【纯粹低密 悠然逸境】:打破城市与自然之间的界限,规划“寻山-见山-观山-游山-栖山”五进归家序列,营造1.098至低容积率、35%高绿化率的低密人居大境,重塑当代山居生活图景Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu sales Office tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ Official phone of Langshi Xi Jian Ya Lu ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔朗诗溪涧雅庐官方电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔Hangzhou Linan Lang Shi Xi Jia Lu sales Office Tel: ☎ :400-8866-132✔✔✔ "Never leave the landscape without giving up the prosperity" : hotline leaning on the landscape, enjoy the joy of prosperity, located in the Linan city core, embrace The Times Square, Baolong Square and other one-stop living facilities, redefine the life pattern of Chengshan integration杭州临安朗诗溪涧雅庐售楼处电话☎:400-8866-132✔✔✔【不离山水 不舍繁华】:热线倚山水之势,享繁华之悦,择址临安城芯,拥揽时代广场、宝龙广场等一站式生活配套,重新定义城山共融的生活格局














