龙卷风强袭爆炸「火光窜天」画面曝光 美田纳西州6死23伤


美国田纳西州9日因龙卷风侵袭酿成大面积破坏,建筑物被削去大半、大车翻覆、树木被连根拔起,至少有6人丧命、23人受伤,数万名居民无电可用。依据The Weather Channel取得的影片,在龙卷风过境当下,受灾区域发生爆炸,瞬间爆出巨大火光。

▲美国田纳西州9日因龙卷风侵袭酿成大面积破坏。(图/翻摄自The Weather Channel)

▲▼ 美国田纳西州9日因龙卷风侵袭酿成大面积破坏。(图/路透)

综合CBS新闻、路透等报导,龙卷风侵袭田纳西州首府纳希维尔以北的蒙哥马利郡(Montgomery County)之后,当地官员称有3人死于龙卷风事件,其中一名死者是孩童,另外在纳希维尔郊区也通报有3人丧命。


Prayers for our neighbors just south of our area in Tennessee after a tornado came through many communities. Our area...


Many homes totally destroyed or damaged in Clarksville, TN after a deadly tornado tore through the area. Live reports from here on @weatherchannel in the morning. #tornado #TNwx pic.twitter.com/U4xeftr5ZX

另据The Weather Channel取得的一段影片,在龙卷风来袭时,田纳西州麦迪逊(Madison)发生一起与龙卷风有关的爆炸事件。

WATCH: Footage captures a tornado-triggered explosion in Madison, Tennessee: pic.twitter.com/N2NDPniSL6


???????? | Insane Up Close Tornado Right In Front Of Them In Clarksville, TNRaw footage of the tornado practically passing over the the storm chasers as it hit Clarksville, TN today. Footage of power flashes and debris in the air along with aftermath of the damage. Shot Description… pic.twitter.com/gwxsU2pYp7

居民莎妮卡华盛顿(Shanika Washington)透露,当她听到警报响起的那一刻,就带着5岁与10岁的孩子躲进地下室一间没有窗户的浴室,内心感到非常恐惧,当时灯光闪烁、后门被吹开,风声阵阵袭来,百叶窗等物品都晃得厉害,能感受到正处于龙卷风肆虐范围内。


This was the scene along the Tennessee/Kentucky border moments ago when a tornado warned storm moved through. This is through the town of Clarksville, which is near Fort Campbell, KY #TNwx pic.twitter.com/HmXCjOhycm