一尸二命 英国24岁「翘臀女网红」怀胎8个月暴毙

英国YouTuber Nicole Thea于周六(11日)与腹中8个月大的儿子逝世。(图/截取自Nicole Thea Instagram/nicoletheatv)


英国YouTuber Nicole Thea于周六(11日)离奇暴毙,今年24岁的她怀有8个月身孕。Nicole逝世的消息常突然,她的舞者男友Global Boga(艺名)才在当日早上,于个人IG上分享了一段自己在婴儿车旁跳舞的影片,并写到他很期待儿子的诞生。


To all Nicole’s friends and supporters it is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Nicole and her son she and Boga named Reign sadly passed away on Saturday morning. Also Nicole pre-schedule a few YouTube videos and Boga has made the decision to allow them to be aired. As a family we ask that you give us privacy because our hearts are truly broken and we are struggling to cope with what has happened. Thank you her mum RIP My beautiful baby girl Nicnac and my grandson Reign, I will miss you for the rest of my life until we meet again in eternal heaven. Xxx

Nicole Thea - QR2(@nicoletheatv)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 12 日 上午 9:43 张贴


Nicole有着性感的翘臀、大胸、及丰唇,以发布关于美妆和舞蹈的影片而闻名,她自从于4月在IG上宣布怀孕的消息后,就一直在网上记录她怀孕的情况。她在YouTube上有8万多名订阅者;在Instagram上有超过10万人在追踪,还创立了名为Thea Kollection的个人品牌