遭道奇轰再见满贯夺G1胜 洋基贾吉:从中学习并改进

▲贾吉(Aaron Judge)。(图/路透)


众所瞩目的MLB世界大赛「奇基对决」G1由洛杉矶道奇6比3拿下,比赛过程中洋基原本在10局下半还握有3比2领先,没想到却在2出局满垒时遭弗里曼(Freddie Freeman)夯出再见满贯全垒打遗憾吞败;对此队长贾吉(Aaron Judge)赛后表示不要沮丧以及抱怨,要从中学习并加以改进,设法赢下G2。

"A loss is a loss. I think you guys watched our last series vs. Cleveland. Some good back-and-forth games. Gotta learn from it, move on and get ready for the next game tomorrow"- Aaron Judge on losing in extra innings in Game 1 pic.twitter.com/WxilECIvRk

双方鏖战至2比2进入延长后,洋基在延长10局上半靠着奇泽姆(Jazz Chisholm Jr)单局双盗外加沃尔普(Anthony Volpe)敲出适时滚地,以3比2超前;10局下半道奇贝兹(Mookie Betts)或敬远后,弗里曼在2出局满垒从洋基左投柯提斯(Nestor Cortes)手中轰出再见满贯砲,终场道奇6比3完成逆转胜,在7战4胜制的世界大赛取得1比0领先。

The Dodgers intentionally walked Juan Soto in the top of the 9th inning to face Aaron Judge.He popped out.The Yankees intentionally walked Mookie Betts to face Freddie Freeman in the bottom of the 10th.He hit a walk-off grand slam.pic.twitter.com/eJKs08uCx7


This may be the best Giancarlo Stanton edit you'll ever see #WorldSeries pic.twitter.com/ZFiDF5VJ8q

6局上半击出412英尺大号2分砲一度为洋基取得领先的史坦顿(Giancarlo Stanton)补充表示,「你永远不会想要这样的结局,反正最终你必须赢四场比赛,没有人说这会是简单的事,」史坦顿目前季后赛6轰外加13分打点都是洋基阵中最佳。