
The sixty-sixth session of Cannes International Film Festival brought down the curtain in 26th in the coastal town of Cannes, southern France. "The day is doomed" is the only Chinese-language film entered the main competition unit in Cannes Festival, before awarding, the Chinese media have highly hopes for it, and even there were rumors that Jia Zhangke will be the best director or jury award. Although the "The day is doomed" only get the best screenwriting award, Jia Zhangke did not disappoint, he said in an interview, "I found a friend in Cannes, winning the prize I am very satisfied."


This is the third time that Jia Zhangke's works entered the main competition unit. The previous ones are respectively "Unknown Pleasures " and "24 City", but he is empty-handed. This time the "The day is doomed " is the first time Jia Zhangke won awards in Cannes, he also has a lot of feeling, "this is the third time I entered the main competition unit, during this period, China has changed a lot, I had been following this change," he continued, " in the movie, I represent the lives of ordinary people in China, receiving award means the difficult life Chinese face has brought the world's attention."


Jia Zhangke's "The day is doomed" is composed of four separate but related stories, discussing the contradiction between poor class and rich class in rural China, people at the cost of being crime to grab the wealth of society, take drastic action to protect individual dignity and the way out of young people. Jia Zhangke said, to receive this award is the acceptation for his film work.


中国雅虎邮箱今日关闭如何创造更多时间八方相声(10)从百草园到三味书屋读后感2016年广州半数学校覆盖无线网第十一章 代价(四)第十五章 城主大厅八方相声(9)第十章 收我为徒!八方相声(6)八方相声(10)贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人第四章 打兔子第七章 BOOS贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人第十章 代价(三)第十二章 日入200忽必烈和成吉思汗是什么关系?忽必烈是因何第十二章 日入200第五章 桥豆麻袋French government ba八方相声(4)第一章 堕落的核心3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职八方相声(3)第五章 桥豆麻袋第三章 不公3 people associated八方相声(11)3 people associated大学生寄脏衣服回家洗八方相声(112)第十四章 不愧是师傅第七章 BOOS专家称:狗肉节不合法第十六章 建好喽第十五章 城主大厅第十章 代价(三)3 people associated八方相声(3)第三章 我来了(3)3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职垃圾渗滤液处理工艺现状浅析八方相声(9)科学技术的作文第十章 代价(三)埃及总统授权受美教育的水利部长为首相在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回家了第三章 不公大学生寄脏衣服回家洗第十五章 胆大第六章 任务第十章 收我为徒!公安部回应二代证缺陷:年底身份证指纹登记从百草园到三味书屋读后感面试困境第十章 代价(三)第六章 咽不下幼儿户外混龄活动中材料投放的几点思考女孩为梦想而努力第三章 再战江湖八方相声(9)番外章 66的属性贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人2016年广州半数学校覆盖无线网八方相声(112)八方相声(4)贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人八方相声(3)珠海一幼儿园首开粤语教学八方相声(10)第十四章 不愧是师傅French government ba中国导演贾樟柯获戛纳电影节最佳剧本奖第十四章 升官(三)面试困境第二章 工作面试困境从百草园到三味书屋读后感八方相声(9)3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职八方相声(10)八方相声(4)八方相声(1)第五章 桥豆麻袋八方相声(4)French government ba第六章 咽不下第二章 工作八方相声(112)第七章 BOOSCDC says genital her忽必烈和成吉思汗是什么关系?忽必烈是因何3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职番外章 66的属性展现时机:伦敦奥运开幕式即将登台八方相声(10)九名运动员服用兴奋剂被禁赛第十六章 建好喽第十五章 城主大厅