Chapter 210: heal

Oloy did not speak silently to prepare Ye Tao paper and pen, get the paper pen and paper, Ye Tao asked everyone's name, and then wrote a prescription for everyone.

The degree of injury of each person is different, and the right medicine for different physical fitness is also different. Soon after prescribing the medicine for the two men, Ye Tao slowly came to another room.

Since the opening of the clubhouse, the huge clubhouse has not been full of patients, this is the only time full of people, but they are all injured for Ye Tao.

You know, these are the people that Oloy paid a lot of money to train with the European family, who play an important role in stabilizing the co**etics company and its position in L City.

This time let them help Ye Tao know that this is a matter of nine dead life, no matter how much Oloi gave them, they still come to Ye Tao naturally grateful.

Although the body is weak, Ye Tao does not mean to stop.

Ye Tao quickly diagnosed more than 20 injured people, and prescribed a prescription in their bodies and bones, otherwise it took so long to treat them, even if it was cured, it would leave behind the sequelae.

However, there were more than 80 of them, and more than 20 people were not enough to diagnose more than 20 people. Ye Tao felt a little blackened in front of him. After sitting down and resting for a moment, he felt that he had recovered a little strength, and then, with the help of Oloy, he continued to prescribe prescriptions for the injured in various rooms.

"you have to take a break." After more than forty diagnoses, he saw Ye Tao's pale face, which had recovered a little, and Oloy whispered to remind him.

Ye Tao, however, kept shaking his head, and the action of prescribing the medicine in his hand did not stop. An hour later, when the last injured person finished prescribing the prescription, Ye Tao was completely relieved and saw Ye Tao paralyzed soft Oloy hurriedly held him.

"there are old and white, and the old and the white have prescribed prescriptions for them. It is only a matter of time before they are good. Why do you need this?" Oloy was angry at the sight of Ye Tao wasting his body so hard to recuperate.

For Ye Tao, she stayed by Ye Tao every day for fear of problems with him.

It was hard now, and Ye Tao was tossing around like this. Oloy was both heartache and annoyed.

"I'm fine and I can hold on. They've hurt enough for me." Ye Tao said with a bitter **ile.

Oloy had no choice but to shake his head and only looked at Ye Tao deeply.

"by the way, what happened to the Li family?" Ye Tao asked uneasily.

If they knew they were alive and there was hope of recovery, they wouldn't stop.

"that's what you're doing, and you still care about it?" Oloy did not expect Ye Tao to still pay attention to this matter can not help angry.

Ye Tao, the main person in the Li family, ate too much money, and now she is lucky to survive for fear that Ye Tao will come again.

"that's a barrier in my heart, and if it doesn't pass, it's hard for me to settle down." Ye Tao said with a bitter **ile.

He knew that it was no use asking now, but he wanted to know something about it. After the rest of his life, Ye Tao felt a lot more calm in his heart.

But this does not mean that he can put down his hatred. On the contrary, Ye Tao's words of vengeance are more unforgettable than anyone else.

From everything after his coma, Oloi told him one by one.

With the delay of time, and with the growing power of Ye Tao, the Li family began to attack Ye Tao when public opinion was about to forget about it.

It can be seen that Li Ying is not only not stupid, but also she is very **art. If this matter is dealt with Ye Tao as soon as it comes out, it is bound to arouse suspicion, which is tantamount to burning the fire to their Li family.

Now that they feel that Ye Tao has been solved, they can start dealing with things.

"if it's all right, let them jump first, wait for them to stand high, and then pull them down so that they can't turn over at all, so that they can afford the gift they gave me." Ye Tao bit his teeth and said in his eyes.

As soon as his eyes were hot, the pupils in his left eye immediately became scarlet and full of blood, and when he saw Ye Tao in this situation, Oloy subconsciously stepped back two steps and looked at him in surprise.

"what's going on with your eyes?" Oloi asked hurriedly.

That night, Ye Tao was also in a coma suddenly opened his eyes, as today's left eye scarlet is very scary.

Oloy didn't care at the time, but now he doesn't want to see Ye Tao happen again.

"what?" Ye Tao looked up at Oloi in bewilderment.

At the same time, Ye Tao subconsciously touched the eyes, feeling the left eye ironing again to see Oloy, Ye Tao himself stunned.

In his eyes, Oloy's body changed, and her blood vessels and meridians were in her own eyes, and even the beating of her heart was clearly visible.

Oloy at the moment is like a transparent man in Ye Tao's eyes.

"look at your left eye for yourself." As Ye Tao looked at him like this, Oloy only felt cold on his back, and hurriedly found a mirror to pass it to Ye Tao.

Ye Tao looked in the mirror in bewilderment, and when he saw his left eye, he could not help but be a little frightened.

After putting down the mirror, Ye Tao was silent for a while.

"I'm telling you, did you believe I had a dream after I had an inch of meridians?" Ye Tao looked at Oloy and asked.

Oloy frowned and looked at Ye Tao quietly.

In her opinion, this change in Ye Tao is really too scary.

"what did you dream about?" Oloy asked curiously when he saw Ye Tao not talking.

She has never seen anyone doing this before.

At this time, Ye Tao blinked, the scarlet of the left eye immediately disappeared.

"I can't remember. I just know I had a strange dream at that time, and I can't remember it again." Ye Tao gently shook his head and bewildered his eyes.

When I saw Ye Tao, Oloy didn't ask much.

"that must be an illusion. You have a good rest." Oloy could see that Ye Tao was not hiding her, and he should and would not hide her.

After holding Ye Tao on the bed and covering him with a quilt, Oloy walked out softly.

Because just now he prescribed medicine for more than 80 patients, Ye Tao was also tired and began to rest with his eyes closed.

As soon as he fell asleep, Ye Tao did not feel like he had another dream. He only felt that his head was dazzling and that all kinds of strange things appeared in his head. Ye Tao at the moment, as if he had been crushed by ghosts, had completely lost his sense of autonomy.

This time, Ye Tao did not know how long he had slept, but felt that the time had passed for a long time. When he woke up, he found the sun shining into the room.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he did not see Oloy, but he Jing was wearing a nurse's suit and watching with a thermometer in his hand.

"Brother Tao, are you awake? I just took your temperature. Everything's fine. " It was a bit of joy to see Ye Tao wake up.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that after you went to bed, a young man surnamed Chen came to see you just now. It's not enough for you to still fall asleep. He's not interrupting that you're waiting down there." He Jing pointed to the outside of the door.

As soon as Ye Tao heard it, he knew it was Chen Ping, and it seemed that Chen Ping was worried about his coma for a while.

In fact, Ye Tao thought that after this incident, the security of the co**etics company was badly damaged, and the European family might withdraw and leave a mess for Oloy.

If the European family leaves, it will not be very good for the co**etics company.

"you go out and tell him, I'll be right down." Ye Tao moved his body to feel a lot of body, to he Jing command said.

He Jing nodded after listening, then turned to go out and gently closed the door. After she went out, Ye Tao came down from bed and did not dare to move too much at first.

After Ye Tao went to the ground, it was really better to move a little bit, at least much better than when he woke up, his feet were frivolous and needed to be helped.

Even so, Ye Tao did not dare to move too big and could only walk out slowly, but saw Chen Ping sitting there drinking tea.

Chapter 62: resolveChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 177: unhappyChapter 97: costChapter 370: altarChapter 183: botherChapter 299: be afraidChapter 377: arrayingChapter 235: furyChapter 54: donationChapter 177: unhappyChapter 307: coercionChapter 232: impedeChapter 223: severeChapter 198: geniusChapter 296: pantChapter 137:contestChapter 210: healChapter 283: robbersChapter 70: no salesChapter 61:have a talkChapter 222: comebackChapter 231: apologyChapter 363: matchChapter 17: leaveChapter 193: fearChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 19: obligationChapter 211: weepChapter 352: trickChapter 161: angerChapter 175: effectChapter 165: tactChapter 57:miserableChapter 72: good luckChapter12:TurningChapter 269: storyChapter 343: be at easeChapter 79: teaseChapter 261:meaningChapter 230: meetChapter 203: cautionChapter 245:meetChapter 119: banquetChapter 375: hypnosisChapter 91: manager LiuChapter 180: chatChapter 163:failureChapter3:ReasonChapter 187: persuadeChapter 135: affectionChapter 356: orderChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 403: controlChapter 20: foregatherChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 248: surmiseChapter 101: powerChapter 141: do a favourChapter 11: FailureChapter 353: decideChapter 86: attendChapter 33:fearChapter 333: orderChapter 81:strifeChapter 180: chatChapter 136: loveChapter12:TurningChapter 186: backdropChapter 258: conflictsChapter 131: meetingChapter 276: chaosChapter 93:detectChapter 347: mildnessChapter 25:adventureChapter 391: banquetChapter 382: chaosChapter 225: adviseChapter 331: meritChapter 229: strategyChapter 396: wangChapter 381: teaseChapter 99: dreamsChapter 11: FailureChapter 395: toxicantChapter 73:employeeChapter 145: solitudeChapter 33:fearChapter 134: cozeChapter 116: order formChapter 343: be at easeChapter 422: combatChapter 87: intendChapter 29: commitmentChapter 394: contemptChapter 316: backdropChapter 270: matchChapter 77: amazingChapter 358: plan