Chapter 84:setout

After all, their sales department needs to run business, although it is impossible to stay in the office for a long time. If they do not contact customers, how can they recruit business for the company?

Since the manager lost power this week, Chen Ping, the assistant manager, has also been regarded as the second head of the office.

Therefore, now that Manager Ye is not here, he can also live in town.

"Don't worry, if anyone dares to snitch, I'll break his leg!"

Chen Ping showed a look of malice.

After all, his job was given by Ye Tao. If anyone dares to mess with Ye Tao, he must come out and work hard.

"I'm relieved to have you say that!"

After hearing this, Ye Tao showed a happy appearance, and he did not bother to get Chen Ping into the company in vain.

Then he gave an account of the task and quickly left the office of the sales department.

But considering that part of the material was needed to treat the spots on the woman's face, he did not go to the beauty salon first, but first went to the mountains to pick up lanterns.

According to Chinese herbal medicine is everywhere, and the appearance is very much like a weed, ordinary people just step on their feet do not know it is a kind of herbal medicine.

But according to the records in the Pharmacy King's Book, this herbal medicine has a good effect on treating facial spots and removing impurities from the human body, but most people do not know it.

After Ye Tao bought the lantern grass, he found a plastic bag to pack it up and called a taxi to the beauty salon.

When he came to the beauty salon, Chu Ximo was already waiting at the door of the beauty salon.

"Oh, why did you get here? the female customer almost lifted the roof of the beauty salon."

Chu Ximo saw Ye Tao casually carrying a bag, showing an anxious look.

"nothing, but something was delayed on the way here!"

Ye Tao hurriedly explained.

I have to say that the woman's mind is very careful, Chu pity ink did not take long to find the plastic bag full of lantern grass in Ye Tao's hand.

Chu Ximo did not know these herbs, so he mistook Ye Tao for taking to the streets to buy vegetables.

"it's time for you to go shopping now!"

Chu Ximo was angry after seeing this scene, after all, she was burning her eyebrows here.

"this is not a dish, but an herbal medicine that can treat facial spots!"

Ye Tao hurriedly explained.

At this moment, suddenly there was a broken sound in the interior of the beauty salon.

Needless to guess, it must have been the furious female customer who began to fall again.

"well, there's no need to explain. Go in and treat the spots on the face of that female customer, or she's really going to tear down my beauty salon!"

Chu hesitated to push Ye Tao into the beauty salon.

After Ye Tao entered the beauty salon, the first thing to see was an angry, short-haired middle-aged woman.

The woman in front of her must have been Ms. Chen in Chu's mouth. He looked at the color spot on the lady's cheek and found that the situation was more serious than he thought.

The spots on half of the woman's face were very bad, and there was a strong **ell of decay on her face.

According to Ye Tao, it will not be long before this woman's face will rot directly, so the top priority is to cure this woman's face as soon as possible.

"Boss Chu, you've shown up. Tell me, what should you tell me about this half of my face?"

After seeing Chu Ximo's appearance, Ms. Chen pointed the finger at her.

Although Chu Ximo was aggrieved by all kinds of grievances in his heart, he did not offend the customers in the shop. After all, he still earned only the money of these people in the future.

"Ms. Chen, I'm very sorry for the stains on your face, so in order to make up for all this, I invited the chief beauty doctor in our shop. I'm sure he can help you with the spots!"

Chu Xiimo painstakingly explained.

However, because Ms. Chen had suffered losses in this respect before, she was already very distrustful of this beauty salon.

So, Ms. Chen looked at Ye Tao in front of her with a suspicious look.

"this is the man? You didn't just pull a man from the street to pretend to be a beauty expert! "

It is clear that Ms. Chen is very distrustful of Ye Tao.

Ye Tao also knows that she will return to the company quickly after she has been cured. After all, he is still working as a sales manager in a co**etics company. If he goes out for a long time, he may bring some bad negative impression to himself.

"Ms. Chen, after the color spots on your face deteriorate these days, do you have a hot feeling on your face every night, and feel that the cells on your face are corroded all the time? am I right?"

Ye Tao also had no time to explain, so he said the illness of the female customer.

Only in this way can he quickly build trust between the two, and only after winning the trust of this Ms. Chen can he begin treatment.

After hearing this, Ms. Chen was immediately frightened. How did the young man know his illness?

"that's right!"

Ms. Chen nodded, convinced the young man a lot, but had not yet removed the essence of the mustard in her heart.

"if I guess well, because of the deterioration of the color spots in your face after laser co**etic surgery, your whole face will start to bleed in less than three days, and then this half of your face will rot completely!"

Ye Tao saw that what he had said had some results, so he hurriedly said that the illness was more serious, and later let the middle-aged woman be more obedient.

After all, if she really gets worse for a long time, it will take some time for Ms. Chen to rot off her face, but that's why he said so in order to get Ms. Chen to cooperate in the next treatment.

"is there anything you can do?"

As soon as Ms. Chen heard that her face was about to rot, she immediately showed a very flustered look on her face.

Ye Tao, on the other hand, maintained a calm appearance and then stood with negative hands.

"it's not without a way, but..."

Ye Tao deliberately did not go on halfway after he said it, and the reason why he sold Guan Zi in this way simply wanted this Ms. Chen to make a guarantee.

After all, there was such a medical accident in the beauty salon, and even after he treated the deterioration of the color spot on Ms. Chen's face, no one could guarantee whether she would turn her face and not recognize anyone.

Therefore, before starting the treatment, he must get the assurance of this Ms. Chen, to ensure that after the color spot has been cured, he must not find the trouble of Chu Ximo.

If he can't even do this, he would rather not treat the spots on Ms. Chen's face.

"go ahead, what do you want?"

Ms. Chen is not a fool, looking at Ye Tao's desire to speak and stop, obviously waiting for her to speak on her own initiative.

"in fact, I don't need anything in return. I just hope that after I have facial spots in this line of work, I won't pursue the responsibility of this beauty salon, that's all!"

Ye Tao also did not take the opportunity to blackmail, but put forward a common request.

He can see that Ms. Chen wears gold and silver, and handbags are famous luxury brands in the world. If he opens his mouth at this time, Ye Tao will do whatever it takes to cure her face.

But he still has moral self-discipline and will never do such unscrupulous things.

After listening to this, Ms. Chen fell into contemplation. After all, it was because of the laser beauty in this beauty hospital that her face became what she is today.

It seems a bit impossible for this female customer not to hold the beauty salon accountable at all.

"since you don't want to, forget it!"

Ye Tao also did not give Ms. Chen time to think, directly pretending to turn around and want to leave.

After all, now that the initiative is in his hands, he can do whatever he wants.

He assured that if he was unwilling to accept the case on this third acre of land, I was afraid that no one else would be able to cure half of Ms. Chen's face.

Chapter 421: gameChapter 254: bonafideChapter 119: banquetChapter 404: join handsChapter 178: consultChapter 87: intendChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 389: heresChapter 354: statusChapter 368: bewitchChapter 315: convulseChapter 367: hopeChapter 36: helpChapter 61:have a talkChapter 45: skillChapter 216: no hopeChapter 206: killerChapter 234: doubtChapter 74: sprainChapter 82:reportChapter 347: mildnessChapter 79: teaseChapter 318: regretChapter 61:have a talkChapter 51: charityChapter 99: dreamsChapter 133: meet withChapter 83: worryChapter 334:worshipChapter 223: severeChapter 84:setoutChapter 105: referralChapter 196: improveChapter 178: consultChapter 350: evidenceChapter 331: meritChapter 362: jealousChapter 353: decideChapter 172: treatChapter 63: objectiveChapter 365: abuseChapter 341: panicChapter 176: jokesChapter 297: fiascoChapter 9:trapsChapter 53: stop itChapter 25:adventureChapter 378: To confirmChapter 186: backdropChapter 11: FailureChapter 70: no salesChapter 261:meaningChapter 117: shockChapter 264: statusChapter 196: improveChapter 301: startleChapter 148: ventureChapter 73:employeeChapter 318: regretChapter 17: leaveChapter 204: send wordChapter 47: cureChapter 379: appallChapter 184: provokeChapter 41: comaChapter 275: busyChapter 207: insistChapter 69:colleagueChapter 380: regressChapter 314:accidentChapter 79: teaseChapter 318: regretChapter 373: fearChapter 119: banquetChapter 134: cozeChapter 422: combatChapter 292: joyfulChapter 176: jokesChapter 328: gloryChapter 229: strategyChapter 271: rapidChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 421: gameChapter 115:spreadChapter 344: tabooChapter 355: expectChapter 121:furyChapter 350: evidenceChapter 300: concealChapter 318: regretChapter 255: worryChapter 74: sprainChapter 142: etiologyChapter 395: toxicantChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 147: toxicantChapter 160: The battleChapter 120: guestChapter 135: affectionChapter 104: celebrate