Chapter 88: good deed

Ye Tao was a little angry when he saw that the security attitude of the business clubhouse was so bad.

"keep my mouth clean, and you're at best the watchdog of this business clubhouse. What's your right to talk to me like that?"

Ye Tao, because he was young and prosperous, could not bear such anger in his heart, and subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and was ready to do so.

But when he saw a strange look from the person next to him, he then took control of his emotions.

After all, the purpose of coming to this grand party tonight is to make friends with celebrities, not to humiliate Chu.

"Oh, huh? Do you still want to do it to me? "

The security guard showed no fear.

"A man like you will only get my hands dirty!"

Ye Tao said helplessly.

Just when the two men fell into an argument, suddenly a figure came out of the business clubhouse, this person is no one else, is dressed in a purple evening dress Chu Xiimo.

"this is my friend's invitation!"

Chu Ximo did not waste too much time with this security guard, but directly took out two invitations to show them in public.

When the security guard saw the invitation, the attitude on his face immediately changed greatly.

"I'm sorry, this gentleman. I just had a bad attitude, please!"

After the security guard finished, I accompanied my **iling face and made a gesture of invitation.

Ye Tao felt that the security guard in front of him was simply a snob, and that he had completely two attitudes before him. Just when he wanted to reprimand the security guard, Chu Ximo, next to him, forced him into the business clubhouse with a look.

"Let me go. Why did you just stop me from lecturing that security guard?"

Ye Tao showed an unwilling appearance.

"Why waste time with such **all potatoes? Don't forget the purpose of your coming to the party today, which has officially begun, and if you waste such an important time, it will cause a great loss! "

Chu Xiimo reminded.

Hearing Chu Ximo's reminder, Ye Tao showed relief.

At this moment, he suddenly had the idea of getting ahead.

After all, there is no invitation to a business club tonight, and even a **all security guard dares not get through with him.

If he is a man with a head and a face today, then such a **all man will never dare to compete with him.

Therefore, Ye Tao suddenly recognized the reality, this society is cruel and beautiful, do not have the strength to be looked down upon everywhere.

"Thank you for reminding me!"

Ye Tao **iled and turned the matter upside down.

"Let's go, let's go into the meeting!"

Chu Xiimo said.

"then I'll have to show you the way!"

Ye Tao came to such a business clubhouse for the first time. He was very unfamiliar with the situation in it.

Then, Chu Ximo took Ye Tao's hand, and the two men entered the formal venue of the business clubhouse.

The venue of the banquet is a very luxurious hall, in the golden light, the lights of social celebrities appear drunk, the banquet hall is full of a breath of upper-class society.

When Ye Tao saw this brilliant decoration, as well as these elegant and famous people, he suddenly felt that maybe this is the life he yearns for.

So he became more determined to get ahead. After all, it was because he had no power and no power that he was expelled from the hospital and even worn **all shoes by the son of the vice president.

He did not want such things to continue to happen in the future, let alone in the future such things would happen to his loved ones.

When Ye Tao came, Ms. Chen, dressed in her evening dress, leaned enthusiastically over.

"Ye Shenyi, you really keep people waiting!"

Ms. Chen said hello politely.

"I'm sorry, because there were some delays on the way, so I kept you waiting. I beg your pardon!"

Ye Tao explained it very politely.

"it's okay!"

Ms. Chen doesn't care about all this.

"by the way, Ms. Chen, didn't you say you were going to introduce some rich wives to us tonight? Where are the people? "

Chu Ximo still wants to make some rich wives very much, so that his beauty salon business can become better.

"Sisters, come here. This is the Ye Shen doctor who cured the spots on my face!"

Ms. Chen waved to the distance, and suddenly a group of tall, fat and thin wives came straight to this side.

These rich ladies are full of grace and splendor, and each with a huge diamond ring on each hand, it seems that there should be a great background.

"so you are the doctor of Ye Shenchun with a wonderful hand. I didn't expect you to be so young!"

A group of rich ladies began to take a closer look at the fresh meat in front of them.

After all, the spots on Mrs. Chen's face were all known to Mrs. Chen, and so many famous doctors were so helpless that they were cured by such a young man, and they must have tried their best to attract Ye Tao.

After all, what these rich wives have is money, and what they want most in their hearts is the appearance of flowers and the moon, and thus to trap their husbands' hearts.

Although these people married into the big family, even if there is no worry about food and clothing, life is still full of cruelty.

If these rich wives lose their appearance one day, they may be driven out by their husbands, so they have to try to dress up beautifully in order to show their charm.

Chu Xiimo saw Ye Tao not talking for half a day, then poked Ye Tao with his fingers.

Ye Tao, after being so reminded by her, immediately knew that he was out of shape.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. In the lower Ye Tao, I know a little bit about medicine. If there is anything I need to do in the future, if there is anything I can do, I will do my best!"

Ye Tao said politely.

After hearing Ye Tao's promise, a short-haired lady took a step forward.

"now that Ye has spoken to the doctor, let's see what you can do!"

After all, these rich wives have not yet seen Ye Tao's skills with their own eyes, so they want to test whether Ye Tao has any real skills.

Ye Tao also knows that if he wants to gain a foothold in this upper-class society, he must show some true skills, otherwise these arrogant rich wives will never become friends with themselves.

After a careful look, he found that the yellow freckles on the face of the short-haired lady must have been too hot in the body recently, which had led to such a situation on her face.

"this lady, you must have been **oking and drinking too much lately, which is why there are a lot of freckles on your face!"

Ye Tao looked at it and immediately said the root of the disease.

"do you have a solution?"

The short-haired wife has been troubled by the freckles on her face, so she hopes to solve it as soon as possible. After all, there are no women in the world who don't love beauty.

"it's just a piece of cake!"

After Ye Tao finished, he took out some silver needles and gently pierced the short-haired lady's face.

About a few seconds later, the freckles on the broad lady's face disappeared, and the toxins accumulated in her body were discharged from her face.

"Oh, my God, this is amazing!"

After the short-haired lady wiped off the toxin, she was surprised to find that the freckles on her face had disappeared.

Originally, several other rich wives around them did not believe it, but when they looked at it, they also believed Ye Tao's ability one after another.

In a few seconds, Ye Tao suddenly became a hot spot for all of us.

Chapter 419: harvestChapter 239: secretChapter 213: sound outChapter 262: fearfulChapter 39: arroganceChapter 99: dreamsChapter 62: resolveChapter 9:trapsChapter 372: disputeChapter 58: puzzledChapter 265: hearingChapter 267: luckChapter 64: helpChapter 299: be afraidChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 373: fearChapter 197: warningChapter 176: jokesChapter 364: cureChapter 18: big peopleChapter 405: situationChapter 322: actionChapter 213: sound outChapter 165: tactChapter 187: persuadeChapter 342: secretChapter 306: hostilityChapter 30: menacingChapter 367: hopeChapter 109: projectChapter 94: despicableChapter 120: guestChapter 362: jealousChapter 143: wagerChapter 293: call namesChapter 237: shockChapter 291: shakeChapter 98:be fooledChapter 229: strategyChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 393: Method ofChapter 311: welcomeChapter 135: affectionChapter 248: surmiseChapter 267: luckChapter 111:menaceChapter 29: commitmentChapter 251: wagerChapter 341: panicChapter 417: intactChapter 256: trembleChapter 389: heresChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 39: arroganceChapter 90: destroyChapter 187: persuadeChapter 217: locationChapter 299: be afraidChapter 291: shakeChapter 8: RestorationChapter 81:strifeChapter 213: sound outChapter 94: despicableChapter 181: gainChapter 243:friendChapter 271: rapidChapter 238: explainChapter 341: panicChapter 331: meritChapter 181: gainChapter 32: longgeChapter 332: entrustChapter 375: hypnosisChapter 274: intensifyChapter 302: birthdayChapter 154: forgiveChapter 389: heresChapter 324: angerChapter 190: founderChapter 203: cautionChapter 318: regretChapter 265: hearingChapter 179: profitChapter 159: insolentChapter 373: fearChapter 403: controlChapter 215: departureChapter 349: revoltChapter 166: shockChapter 142: etiologyChapter 350: evidenceChapter 254: bonafideChapter 358: planChapter 285: abilityChapter 20: foregatherChapter 344: tabooChapter12:TurningChapter 268: seetheChapter 15:UrgentChapter 184: provoke