国外征才网台湾变「中国一省」 政大去函要求更正

国立政治大学外国语文学院日前于英国求职网站「jobs.ac.uk」刊登征人消息,寻找具有学术长才者,担任专案助理(副)教授。然而有媒体报导,内文中政大所在地台湾,被列为「中国一省」(Province Of China)。政大4日表示,已经去函要求更正,否则撤广告并退费。


本校已由外语学院去函英国《jobs.ac.uk》以及美国《Chronicle Vitae》求职网站,针对刊登征才讯息「职缺所在地」出现严重错误,所造成极大困扰,务必立即更正为「Taipei–Taiwan, ROC.」,否则撤除征才广告、退还刊登费用

外语学院原申请信件中明确载明「职缺所在地」为「NO.64, Sec.2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei, Taiwan 116 R.O.C.」。


Dear Sir/Madam,

Regarding our advertisements “Full-Time Assistant Professor/Associate

Professor of Language and Technology Studies” and “Full-Time Assistant Professor/Associate Professor of Translation and Interpreting Studies,” there were serious mistakes about the location information. It is now shown as “Taipei - Taiwan, Province Of China” in each advertisement, but it must be “Taipei – Taiwan, ROC.”

We feel terribly disturbed by such mistakes because Taiwan ROC has never been and is not a province of China. Please correct them immediately. If the mistakes cannot be corrected, we have to withdraw the advertisements and request for refund.

National Chengchi University