觉得冤枉? 杨恩被控性骚扰可能上诉



洛杉矶湖人队杨恩(Nick Young )和小将克拉克森(Jordan Clarkson ),22日遭一名女性琼斯(Alexis Jones)指控性骚扰,原因在于杨恩一票人在经过琼斯车边时,比出不雅手势,现在杨恩与琼斯有可能要对簿公堂。



湖人发言人布莱克(John Black)则表示,杨恩与克拉克森坦言完全是意外,将会尽量与琼斯和解,不过据亲近杨恩的消息来源透露,杨恩有可能会上诉。

I pray these pics go viral because THIS is the problem with little boys. Five minutes ago, at the intersection of Melrose and La Bre here in LA, a jeep of four boys pulled up at a red light and started yelling and making the most disgustingly vulgar gestures at my mom and me. I rarely "rant" about things but this is the f%+#ing problem and the reason I've now dedicated my life to educating young men about respect, not just for women but for everyone. I'm angry. I'm insulted. I'm hurt. They were laughing hysterically until they realized I was filming them and immediately they panicked like the cowards they are. Thank you to all the real men out there who would never treat a mother and daughter that way... Speaking of, I'd love for this to make it back to their mothers!!! Help me find who these guys are!!! Let's see the power of social media and hold them accountable. I'd LOVE to have a candid conversation with them about sexual harassment not simply to shame them, but to understand their mentality so we can better educate young men to be respectful in the future. #littleboys #cowards #realmenrespectwomen #messedwiththewrongchick #wewillfindyou @iamthatgirl

Alexis Jones(@missalexisjones)张贴相片 于 2016 年 3月 月 20 7:38下午 PDT 张贴


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