柯瑞成「勇士队史得分王」超张伯伦 首节就轰21分迅速加冕



身心都处于巅峰的勇士一哥柯瑞(Stephen Curry),在勇士13日面对金块赛前,生涯总得分来到1万7765分,此役只要再得19分,就能超越传奇前辈张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain),登上队史得分王宝座结果他仅花了11分钟就达成这项伟大的里程碑,他首节狂砍21分,正式打破张伯伦自1964年3月16日所保持的纪录

17,784 points & counting. The most ever by a Golden State Warrior.Congrats to Stephen Curry on moving past Wilt Chamberlain as the franchise’s all-time scoring leader pic.twitter.com/qU7UXYUuMP


张伯伦自1964年3月16日(当地时间)保持至今的纪录,如今被柯瑞打破。勇士主帅柯尔(Steve Kerr)赛前就直言,在任何一项数据上能超越张伯伦,都是很不可思议的事。

Warriors new all-time leading scorer Stephen Curry also scored 21 points & nailed 5 3-pointers in the first quarter against Denver passing Wilt Chamberlain. What’s also amazing that even if Steph kept this pace while shooting threes he still wouldn’t reach Wilt’s 100-point record pic.twitter.com/e7uFhCn2ox