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California Joins Growing National Effort to Ban Smartphone Use in Schools

全美校园相继禁用智慧手机 加州跟进

Gov. Gavin Newsom called on Tuesday for a statewide ban on smartphone use in California schools, joining a growing national effort to curb cyberbullying and classroom distraction by limiting access to the devices.


Newsom said he would work this summer with state lawmakers to dramatically restrict phone use during the school day in the nation’s most populous state. His directive came hours before board members at the Los Angeles Unified School District, the country’s second-largest school district, voted to pursue their own smartphone ban that could begin in January.


The effort to curb devices on campus has transcended political lines, as Republican-led states like Florida and Indiana already have instituted their own restrictions.


The moves in California followed a call for warning labels on social media platforms by the U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, who argued that they were fueling a mental health crisis among adolescents.


“Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms,” Murthy wrote Monday in an opinion piece for The New York Times. “And the average daily use in this age group, as of the summer of 2023, was 4.8 hours.”


Many school districts in California already have restrictions on cellphone use during the school day, but enforcement can be a challenge.


Some parents in the past have objected to prohibitions because they fear losing access to their children in the case of a school shooting or other emergency. And teachers unions have been reluctant to take on the responsibility of having to enforce the policies, though they also have welcomed efforts to prevent distractions.


Newsom, a Democrat, said that he wanted the California Legislature to tighten existing cellphone limits in classrooms for the state’s 5.5 million students at more than 1,400 public schools.


Newsom previously signed legislation in 2019 authorizing, but not requiring, districts to adopt cellphone bans. He signed an online safety law in 2022 requiring websites and apps to install protections for children, and then followed up last year by urging tech industry leaders in California to drop a lawsuit challenging the requirements. Both laws were passed with bipartisan support in the state Legislature.


文/Shawn Hubler 译/周辰阳