土耳其伊斯坦布尔技术大学T. Gundogdu等:端环配置在影响IE4感应电动机性能中的作用

Role of End-Ring Configuration in Shaping IE4 Induction Motor Performance

Tayfun Gundogdu1,2; Sinan Suli2

1. Istanbul Technical University, Maslak/İstanbul, Türkiye

2. GAMAK Electric Motors, Ümraniye/İstanbul, Türkiye

T. Gundogdu and S. Suli, "Role of End-Ring Configuration in Shaping IE4 Induction Motor Performance," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 245-254, September 2024, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2024.00014.

摘 要



The performance characteristics, particularly the starting performance of direct line-fed induction motors, which are mainly influenced by the design of the rotor, are crucial considerations for end-users. It is quite a challenging issue for motor manufacturers to enhance the starting performance of existing mass-produced motors with minimal modifications and expenses. In this paper, a simple and cost-effective method to improve the starting performance of a commercial squirrel-cage induction motor (SCIM) is proposed. The influence of geometric parameters of the end-ring on the performance characteristics, including starting (locked rotor) torque, pull-up and break down torque, starting current, rotor electric parameters, current density, power losses, and efficiency have been comprehensively investigated. It has been revealed that among the other end-ring design parameters, the ring thickness has a significant effect on the performance characteristics. An optimal end-ring thickness is determined, and its performance characteristics have been compared to those of its initial counterpart. Numeric and parametric analyses have been conducted using a 2D time-stepping finite element method (FEM). The FEM results were validated using experimental measurements obtained from an 11 kW SCIM prototype.


T. Gundogdu (M’18-SM’23),2009年在土耳其安卡拉的加兹大学(Gazi University)获得电气教育学士学位,2012年在土耳其伊斯坦布尔技术大学(Istanbul Technical University)获得电气工程硕士学位。2018年在英国谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)获得电子和电气工程博士学位。博士期间研究方向是用于电动汽车的先进非重叠绕组感应电机,并与Valeo Powertrain Systems合作。 从2010年到2014年,他在国际电联担任研究助理。2017年至2018年,他担任谢菲尔德大学EMD Group与IMRA Europe SAS合作研究中心的副研究员。2018年至2022年在土耳其哈卡里大学(Hakkari University)电气与电子工程系担任助理教授,同时于2020年至2022年在Akim Metal研发中心担任学术和研发顾问。从2022年到2023年,担任GAMAK Electric Motors的研发设计经理。自2023年以来,一直担任国际电联能源研究所的助理教授。 目前的研究兴趣围绕创新电机和磁传感器的设计、分析、优化和控制。包括单相和多相感应,同步,永磁无刷,磁阻,双励磁和混合励磁,游标永磁电机,以及解析器。研究工作涵盖了从电动汽车和可再生能源到国防工业的应用。

S. Suli,2018年获得土耳其伊尔第兹技术大学(Yıldız Technical University)电子工程教育学士学位,2022年获得伊尔第兹技术大学电子工程硕士学位。自2022年起,一直在伊尔第兹技术大学攻读电气工程博士学位。从2021年开始在GAMAK Electric Motors的研发部门担任电磁设计研究员。目前的研究方向包括感应和同步磁阻电机的设计和分析。

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