小老鼠卡插座盖挤出「肥嘟嘟囧脸」 她边救边笑到并轨

老鼠:快救我啊...囧。(图/翻摄自Chris Dell'Acqua脸书


小老鼠头塞插座孔动弹不得好可怜,但是挤成胖嘟嘟的脸又让人忍不住觉得有些可爱。住在美国加州圣地牙哥的Chris Dell'Acqua一早醒来发现这只老鼠很困窘地卡住,赶紧想办法解救,最后干脆「收编」了。

影片中,木头墙壁的插座孔上竟然冒出一颗「毛毛头」,原来是小老鼠「头过身没过」卡住了,原本应该脸蛋小小的老鼠现在变成超窘的嘟嘟脸,好可怜又好可爱。Chris Dell'Acqua一早醒来看到这奇异的景象,「噢我的天这可怜的小家伙!」,她赶紧拿来螺丝起子解救小家伙,接着小心地拿起白色盖子,果然后面接着胖呼呼的身体,搞笑的姿势让在场的人不禁笑翻。

据了解,这个小家伙是一只更格卢鼠(kangaroo rat),后来Chris Dell'Acqua把塑胶盖折断解救了小老鼠并将牠收编,最后老鼠快乐地生活了几个月,几个月后才自然死亡。


UPDATE: Wow, this video has kinda gone mini viral! I'm being asked for details so let me add some info here. I woke up one morning to find this Kangaroo Rat stuck in the hole of this plastic plate through which the coaxial cable for the TV normally extends. This is the extraction. I freed her from this accidental trap by simply cracking the brittle plastic. I kept her and she lived a happy life until she died of natural causes some months later.