饮料洒CEO大腿!空姐糗翻 「我永远不会忘记你」结局暖炸

▲ 彼得斯把饮料洒在公司CEO身上,不仅没被骂,还获得了难忘的合照。(图/翻摄自Instagram/maddieryanee)


把饮料洒在客人身上,是空服员都不想遇到的事,更何况对方是自己的老板美国航空(American Airlines)一名空服员彼得斯(Maddie Peters)近日服务头等舱时,不小心被人撞到,饮料就这么落在自家公司CEO的大腿上。没想到,CEO不仅没有发怒,还告诉彼得斯「我永远不会忘记你的」,让她相当惊喜。

彼得斯当天正在飞往德州达拉斯(Dallas)的班机上,公司CEO道格帕克(Doug Parker)也在机上。她在Instagram分享自己的奇遇记并写道,「我当时正为头等舱上饮品,我的托盘上都是饮料,一位在前方的乘客在走道上停了下来并后退。他撞上了托盘,饮料全飞了。」



Story time y’all! Incase you missed it. The other day I was working a flight to Dallas. I had our CEO (Doug Parker) on my flight. I was serving drinks during boarding to the first class cabin. I had a full tray with drinks on it, when the passenger in front of me stops in the aisle and backs up. He bumps into the tray and the drinks go flying. Guys I have worked for American Airlines for 4 years, and not once have I ever spilt a drink on a passenger. Guess who they land on. Half of them went all over me, the other half in Doug’s lap. I WAS MORTIFIED. I wanted to drop dead right there in the aisle. (Like am I still employed?!) I’m still slightly traumatized/embarrassed. Luckily he was super cool, and a good sport about it. He later came back and we chatted for a little, and joked about it the rest of the flight. When he was getting off the plane he told me he’d never forget me.... guess that’s a good thing right? Most people never even meet their CEO let alone shower them with beverages. But it’s too good of a story not to tell. Accidents happen.