15岁老猫弥留…猫奴泪眼弹唱最后一首歌 听完牠就沉沉睡去



▲Mongy是一只高龄15岁的老猫。(图/翻摄自Facebook/Dr Meowfulness)

这段影片里,可以看到15岁的老猫咪Mongy,呈现虚弱的弥留状态伤心主人陪在牠的身边,用吉他自弹自唱《What A Wonderful World》,就像是要把自己对猫咪的爱、用歌声传递给牠一样,最后还在Mongy头上亲了一下,画面温馨感人




CW: footage of cat gasping its last breaths .This was the last song I played for Mongy. He stopped breathing after this. He is gone. May you have a blessed journey ahead. I know you will. Thank you for passing through my life, our lives..[EDIT: For context, Mongy was a street cat i brought home for a month for palliative care. He was at least 15 years old, FIV+, and had kidney failure, dental disease, anaemia, and suspected gastrointestinal lymphoma. I was bringing him to the vet weekly for hormone and B12 jabs, and at home I administered subcutaneous drip fluid twice a day, painkillers as needed, anti-nausea meds, etc. I hand fed him and also syringe fed him when he was in his last stage. This is what end of life palliative care is like, even for humans. The gasping is a natural process of the heart slowing down.]#meowfulness #catspotting #streetcats #communitycats #catcommunity #catsofsingapore #catsofinstagram #neko #cat #adoptdontshop #animals #catlover #catoftheday #猫 #猫咪 #고양이 #ネコ #ねこ
