6年来从没忘记!保罗沃克46岁冥诞 女儿一早传讯惹哭冯迪索…「唯一希望是让你骄傲」


好莱坞演员保罗沃克(Paul Walker)迎来美国时间12日冥诞,生前一起拍摄《玩命关头》系列电影冯迪索(Vin Diesel)特别在Instagram写下长文表达思念祝福之意:「我们只想让你感到骄傲,你猜是什么讯息叫醒了我,就是你的女儿,她有跟你一样温暖的心,生日快乐,真的太棒了,你仍让这世界更美好。」








So much to tell you... so much to share... as you know, we have been filming in Scotland. We threw a party for the crew last night in appreciation for all of their hard work. It was one of those moments that so often in the past we were together smiling and getting everyone drunk, especially Justin. Haha. Who by the way would make you so proud with what he is accomplishing with this film. Nathalie was there, in her loving spirit. Oh, and John Cena was there, who you would just love. His gratitude is palpable... and knowing you, you would just want him to win. This week the studio came to meet about the next chapter, your ears were ringing again. You would have gotten a kick out of the fact that we met in a chapel. It was profound... normally today I would be planning how to embarrass you with a birthday cake. Haha. Instead I reflect on how lucky I am to call you my brother. The tears never go away, but they change... from that of mourning to that of grace. We only hope to make you proud. Speaking of which, guess what message I woke up to... your daughter. Meadow sending me love on this day. Wow, she knows me so well. She has your heart. Happy birthday... it’s amazing, but somehow you continue to make the world a better place.