阿荣福利味/IceDragon - 改良版的火狐浏览器
加强版的Firefox浏览器 - Comodo IceDragon,修改自Firefox且增加许多安全元素,可以右键扫描超连结安全性、在浏览有安全疑虑网站时能够获得提示、内建Facebook分享按钮、让火狐核心更快更安全的调校,完全支援Firefox外挂。(阿荣)
Comodo IceDragon is a fast and versatile Internet browser based on Mozilla Firefox which features several security, performance and feature enhancements over the core build. Fully compatible with FireFox plug-ins and extensions, IceDragon combines the freedom and functionality of FireFox with the unparalleled security and privacy of Comodo.
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