阿荣福利味/MegaDownloader - MEGA下载器


MEGA免费空间下载器 - MegaDownloader,让你不用登入网页也可以下载档案自动监控剪贴簿中的下载连结,可以同时分段下载多个档案、没有任何广告,支援下载中档案的暂停或续传功能,可以自动解压缩RAR、ZIP、7z档,设定下载限速、软体开启时自动下载、下载完毕自动关机。(阿荣)(下载)

MegaDownloader is a download client for MEGA.CO.NZ, allowing you to easily download files from MEGA.CO.NZ

* Fast: You can download multiple files simultaneously with multiple connections per file, squeezing the bandwidth.* Lightweight: Takes up less than 2MB and consumes little resources. It requires no installation, is a single exe. It doesn't create giant temporary files. Just uses a small buffer in memory and stores the file directly in disk.* Secure: No ads, banners, or anything. It doesn't collect information from user. Only connects to MEGA.CO.NZ to download the files, and periodically checks for updates. Nothing else. And sensitive internal information is stored locally encrypted using DPAPI and AES.* Simple: Its interface is simple to use: add links and start downloading. That's all!* Complete: It allows pausing, stopping and resuming file downloads. It enqueues files, grouping them by packages, automatically decompresses RAR/Zip/7z files, detects links from the clipboard, can limit the download speed, is multilingual, can be controlled from the phone / remotely with its integrated web server, can be configured to automatically start or shut down the PC when finish, can reconnect in case of error, etc.

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