阿荣福利味/qBittorrent - BT下载器
BT下载软体 - qBittorrent,它就像是自由软体界的uTorrent,不仅功能几乎一模一样!未下载完毕的暂存档还可以由uTorrent接手续传,支援Unicode,可以设定下载完毕时自动关机、设定上传下载限速、对种子下标签、远端遥控模组(Web UI)...等等,只是它的上传速限控制不太准确,分享出去的上传频宽会比实际设定的多。(阿荣)
- Simultaneous download of multiple torrents- Integrated torrent search engine- Integrated RSS feed reader and downloader- Good internationalization- DHT, PeX, Encryption, LSD, UPnP, NAT-PMP- Cross platform (Linux, Mac Os, Windows)- Very lightweight- Torrent queueing and prioritizing- Control over files in a torrent (filtering, prioritizing)- Nice µTorrent-like interface with Qt4 toolkit (qBittorrent v2.x)- IP filtering (eMule dat files or PeerGuardian files)- Peer display with country and hostname resolution (qBittorrent v2.x)- Advanced control over torrent trackers (qBittorrent v2.x)- µTorrent peer id spoofing to avoid tracker blacklisting- Closest open source equivalent to µTorrent (qBittorrent v2.x)- Torrent creation tool- Remote control through Secure Web User Interface
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