阿荣福利味/Rename Master - 批次重新命名工具


老牌档案更名软体 - Rename Master,从前面或后面移除N个字元功能(Remove Beginning/Ending)相当实用!例如:拿来修改抓音轨软体自动产生的MP3档名;另外,可以一次执行多个不同的动作,几乎是可以在档名的任何位置插入或删除想要的文字,支援万国码(Unicode)。(阿荣)

- Intelligent number sorting- File and folder renaming- Custom filelist columns- Auto-Preview- Subfolder Scanning to rename files in multiple folder- Renaming Variables for JPEG/MP3 tags, file properties, counters, and more- "Scripts" to save commonly used renaming options- [*] and [?] command prompt style wildcards, or full Regular Expression support- Optional Explorer integration for right-clicking on files/folders or using "Send To" - Case Changing and Textfile importing

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