阿荣福利味/Fast Duplicate File Finder 删除重复档


重复档案搜寻及删除工具 - Fast Duplicate File Finder,可以搜寻电脑资料夹中重复的档案,自动选取较新(older dates)或较旧(newer dates)的档案进行后续的处理,能够选择删除或搬移重复的档案到另一个资料夹,并且保持相同的目录结构(keeping folder structure)。(阿荣)

阿荣评语:[2012.05.09] 此类工具会有比对出来之后因为档案锁住而无法删除档案的问题!试过好多种同类型工具只有这支程式还不错,如果你有更好的,也欢迎推荐。

Fast Duplicate File Finder FREEWARE will help you find fast all duplicate files in a folder and its sub folders. The application will compare the content of your files so it will find duplicates even if they are using different file names. The Professional version can even find similar files regardless of their file types. It will analyze the content of the files in order to find similar files and not just file attributes like name and size as the standard duplicate file finders do.

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