阿荣福利味/ShortcutsMan - 删除电脑中的无效捷径
程式无效捷径检查工具 - ShortcutsMan,开启后就可以自动检查开始功能表、快速启动、桌面中的无效捷径,有问题的捷径会显示为红色,可以一次全部删除,软体安装的过程中会在开始功能表中建立捷径,而移除的时候并不一定会自动被删除,就可以利用此软体来整理电脑中的捷径。(阿荣)
ShortcutsMan displays the details about all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file.
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