阿荣福利味/Cloud System Booster - 电脑加速软体
电脑加速软体 - Cloud System Booster,以云端技术为基础的电脑最佳化软体,具有垃圾档清理、登录档修复、系统最佳化、程式管理员...等功能,执行前可以建立系统还原点,只需要几个滑鼠点选动作就可以将电脑最佳化。(阿荣)(下载)
官方网站:Anvisoft Corporation软体性质:免费软体(有付费版)介面语言:英文(支援多国语系)系统需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
A system cleaner and optimizer for Windows OS to make your computer faster and better. It is created based on Cloud technology as all-in-one pc care program for powerful PC system maintenance mainly in four aspects: junk files cleaner, registry repair, system optimizer and app manager.
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