阿荣福利味/McAfee Labs Stinger - 病毒扫描软体


可以放在随身碟的免费扫毒软体 - McAfee Labs Stinger,它不需要安装就可以进行扫毒,按一下程式右上角的「List Viruses」可以查看它可以侦测出来的病毒清单(超过6000只),跟一般的防毒软体一样有快速扫描、完整扫描、自订扫描及隔离病毒的功能,有电脑中毒时候可以试试这个免费工具。(阿荣)(下载)

McAfee Stinger detects and removes prevalent Fake Alert malware and threats identified in the "List Viruses" section of the Stinger application. While not a replacement for full fledged antivirus software, Stinger is updated multiple times a week to include detection for newer Fake Alert variants and prevalent viruses.

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