阿荣福利味/Remote Utilities - 远端遥控软体
杀手级专业远端遥控软体 - Remote Utilities(简称:RUT),可以说是VNC跟TeamViewer的合体,内建传输加密功能(2048位元公钥及AES演算256位元工作阶段密钥),跟TeamViewer一样可以产生一组「Internet ID」,可以设定固定连线密码,透过中介伺服器(Mediation Server)来突破防火墙封锁,也可以直接使用IP来连线,有软体远端派送、双向影音聊天、观看远端电脑摄影机、档案传输、远端执行应用程式、荧幕录制、RDP连线、远端DOS模式操作、远端登录档编辑、资产管理...等强大功能。(阿荣)
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Remote Utilities™ is remote desktop software that provides easy and secure access to a remote PC. With Remote Utilities, you can view the remote screen and operate its mouse and keyboard as if you were sitting right in front of it. Remote Utilities can connect over either a LAN or the Internet. In either case the connection can be established directly using an IP address, or indirectly using the Internet ID - a firewall bypass feature that is today's standard for advanced and powerful remote PC access software.
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