阿荣福利味/UNetbootin - 把ISO档转成可开机的USB


制作开机USB - UNetbootin(Universal Netboot Installer),可以将开机光碟ISO档制作成可开机的USB随身碟(如:Redo Backup and Recovery、Partition Wizard),以便使用USB也能进行硬碟备份磁碟分割等工作!另外,它也是Linux安装USB制作工具,可以线上下载许多Linux作业系统跟系统工具,自动制作开机表,最后一样产出可开机USB。(阿荣)

阿荣评语:[2012.04.20] 测试过「Redo Backup and Recovery」可以运作无误,但测试Windows XP安装光碟失败,卡在开机表无法进入,制作Windows系统安装USB还是推荐使用「WinToFlash」。

UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.


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