鼻酸的最后亲暱 曾救过两只幼狮的女人要到另一个世界

▲Bev Pervan一生为狮群贡献良多。(图/翻摄自Kevin Richardson粉丝专页


万兽之王狮子的临终告别令人鼻酸南非动物训练凯文·理查德森(Kevin Richardson)日前在IG上PO了一段两只狮子亲暱玩乐短片,向一位为南非狮子打拼、身体却不敌癌症病魔女士Bev Pervan告别,让不少网友看了感动到泪如雨下。

理查德森表示,Bev Pervan曾拯救过George和Yame两只幼狮,她的丈夫Chris Mercer也和她一样,在南非的卡鲁野生动物中心(Karoo Wildlife Centre)和国际圈养狩猎运动(International Campaign Against Canned Hunting,简称CACH) 中,对提升全球反对南非「篱内狩猎」(canned hunting)的意识,有不可或缺的贡献。

许多网友知道这个令人难过的消息以后,纷纷到Chris Mercer的脸书粉丝专页留言,鼓励他早日走出丧妻之痛,并且祝福Bev能安息。

今年37岁的理查德森有「狮语者」(lion whisperer)的称号,平常和不少猛兽玩在一起平日他会和「好朋友们」一起玩耍,甚至敢在晚上和牠们一起睡觉,完全不担心半夜会被吃掉。


We are all saddened to hear of the passing of Bev Pervan. She was integral in the rescuing of these two lions #George & #Yame. We can't thank her enough for all she's done for animals and lions in particular and are sore in our hearts she won't get to see these two as adults however we can say that her legacy will always live on through them. RIP Bev. You'll be missed by all. Those who got to know you admired your fighting spirit of a lion. God Bless.

Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer(@lionwhisperersa)张贴的影片 于 2016 年 5月 月 2 12:06上午 PDT 张贴