比特犬头靠怀里摸摸「眼睛喷爱心」 超融化互动当天被领养
Update: #adopted Enjoy this sweet moment we captured on video of Walter, the 2 year old velvet hippo, staring into our volunteer’s eyes with gratitude. We are very lucky to have had Ron and his wife, Kim, walk our dogs yesterday during an adoption event. Walter is available for adoption today at our sister organization Animal Compassion Team. He is a part of our Boyz of Summer special for half off his adoption fee. You can have this sweet, calm love-machine in your home today for only $50 includes neuter, microchip, vaccines and parasite prevention. Meet him today from 11 to 4 pm at 2789 S. Orange Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 just South of Golden State Blvd. and Jensen Ave. He will be so grateful, he has been existing in a kennel since May 30th and it’s his turn to find a happy home. Send positive vibes and well wishes his way. . For licensing/commercial usage, please contact licensing@rumble.com
美国加州动物收容所Fresno Humane Animal Services分享影片,只见Walter把头靠在Ron的怀中,舒服地让对方摸摸,虽然牠浑身肌肉十分强壮,但是眼睛里却散发爱的光波,看向Ron满是深情,让人舍不得停下摸摸的手,不禁想亲好几下。
这段影片是2019年7月22日分享的,但是Walter的眼神太勾人,再次被许多网友分享。Fresno Humane Animal Services表示,当时Walter2岁,当天是在一个送养会,志工Ron与Kim夫妇带狗狗散步,回来后便拍下跟Walter如此动人的互动。很快地Walter也在当天被另一对夫妇认养,开启幸福的全新狗生。
Look how wonderful, Walter is on a sleepover. He is going to be so spoiled. This lovely boy is going to have a wonderful life. Wish him the best. He might be one of the sweetest dogs ever.
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