巨石强森被坠落天花板砸头! 凯文哈特闯祸吓呆


好莱坞影星巨石强森(Dwayne Johnson)主演加州地震》赢得好票房,近来继续拍摄电影中央情报》(Central Intelligence‬),却在拍片期间意外被坠落的天花板砸到头。同剧演员凯文哈特(Kevin Hart)后来PO出事发影片,自嘲:「我差点就杀了巨石强森!」►►►电影新闻+实用资讯,加入『ET看电影』就对了!




I almost killed Dwayne The Rock Johnson on set yesterday....I can laugh my ass off now because he didn't get hurt but I was scared as shit at first!!!! The damn ceiling fell on his head bcuz I slammed the shit out of the door!!!! I had to share this with y'all....I think this San Andreas earthquake shit is going to his head....LITERALLY.... Holy shit that was a clever joke!!!! #ActionMovieGrind #DwayneJohnsonAndKevinHart #BoxOfficeKillers #Centralintelligence