快讯/美FedEx爆枪击至少5死多人伤 警出动应对「大规模伤亡」



美媒CNN引述印第安纳波利斯市警察局发言人库克(Genae Cook)说法指出,事发地点位在印第安纳波利斯市米拉贝尔路8951号的联邦快递机构,当地警方现已动员处理「大规模伤亡情况」,多名警力赶抵现场,但相关细节仍有待确认,已知部分道路一度双向封闭。

另据推特「Intel Point ALERTS」最新消息,这起枪击案至少夺走5条人命,另有多人受伤,所幸伤势并未危及性命,外传有80人至90人在案发现场藏身躲避。伤者现已被送往附近医院接受治疗,但确切死伤人数及伤者伤势严重程度仍有待官方公布。

#URGENT: Reports of several people shot at Indianapolis FedEx facility#Indianapolis l #INPolice & EMS personnel are responding to a FedEx facility where reports say 8 people have been shot. The shooter has not been detained and may still be shooting.More details shortly! pic.twitter.com/UzJwc8P8I1

#BREAKING:Destroyed cars by gunfire after the initial shooting reported at the FedEx FacilityAccording to reports there were 2 shooters at the Fedex facility in Indianapolis There are reports of 5 dead at this moment #BreakingNews #Intenational_leaks pic.twitter.com/gwF1yAkXa1


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