狂男冲餐厅闹事扬言「杀警犬」 警察只好「放狗咬人」

So this happened at Ihop at Roseville. This man went inside the restaurant and made a huge scene to try to get his wife. This is what happened right after the policed was called. Crazy! Edit: So to go deeper into what happened exactly. This man entered the restaurant as we were paying. His truck parked directly by the entrance door. He barges in saying he wants his wife so they can go home. Yelling he doesn’t want his wife to work here. He went into the kitchen to try to find her. His wife then comes out to get him and to have him leave. His continues to stay in the restaurant and make a bigger scene. Punching doors and walls. Afterward, he continued to say nonsense and even almost got physical with one of the customers eating. The police then arrived shortly after being called. The man was at first cooperating, but then moved around and continued to move around. Police told him to stop, but he would not. That’s when I begun recording.



这件事发生在当地时间25日,网友Victor Alarcon到IHOP餐厅用餐,准备结帐时看到这名24岁男子Ryan James Heater把车停在店的正门口,「他随后冲进餐厅不断大声咆哮,还冲进厨房说要找他老婆,嚷嚷着说不让老婆在这里工作,接着开始捶门和墙壁,眼看就快要和另一位顾客打起来。」警察很快带着警犬到达,Victor Alarcon表示,「警察先口头制止那名男子的失控举动,但对方不听,这时我开始录影。」

▲警犬狂吠,但警方一开始先拉着向后退。(图/翻摄自Victor Alarcon脸书

Ryan James Heater一开始配合退到停车场,却突然起身步步逼近警察和警犬,过程中警犬Lance不断吠叫威吓,而警方牵着狗后退,但他仍高举双手扬言要杀死警察和警犬。最后警察只好放开牵绳,Lance瞬间冲向前咬住男子,接着4名员警合力扑向前压制、捆绑。

这名闹事的男子随后被送医治疗,接着送往South Placer监狱。警方表示,警犬和员警只是照着平时训练去做,此次勤务中有一名警员受到轻伤。


▼警犬冲向前死命咬住嫌犯。(图/翻摄自Victor Alarcon脸书)