林书豪抗疫募款1个月破2900万 「嗨跳沙发」推第二阶段捐款活动




林书豪上个月13日透过个人基金会发起募款,先捐出50万美金,并承诺大众捐多少,他就捐多少,最高会捐出「等额」的50万美金。活动捐赠对象是两个非营利组织,一个是设有超过200间粮食银行的「Feeding America」;另一个是募集必要医疗资源的「Direct Relief」。


「打从心底感谢你们每一个人,请记得你们正在改变世界,成为黑暗中的一盏明灯。」林书豪也透露,他将展开第二阶段的募款活动,与3个社区慈善组织合作,包括「MobilizeLove」、「LoveBeyondWalls」和「Center for Family Life」。


I am genuinely in shock at how many people have been involved in our campaign so far! In these hard times just knowing how many people want to help out their neighbors is a huge encouragement, and I hope it encourages you all as well. Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart and please know that you’re making a difference and being a light in the darkness. Even though we’re just short of $1M, we still have so much more we can do! Phase 2 of #BeTheLight will be in collaboration with 3 organizations that are each doing crucial work in their communities. @mobilizelove , @lovebeyondwalls , and Center for Family Life are all programs with amazing stories that are helping those that need it the most. Supporting direct service nonprofits during this time is so important, as they are often the ones that know the needs of the neighborhoods and people they work with the best. Stay tuned as I’ll be highlighting each organization and their stories. If you’re looking to make a donation to any of these programs, hop over to covid.jlin7.com to learn more. God bless, stay safe, stay home, and continue to pray for continued light over darkness. #stayswaggy

Jeremy Lin 林书豪(@jlin7)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2020 年 5月 月 12 日 上午 8:49 张贴