看到鸭子会立刻昏倒的狗狗!英国近日流传着一部影片,只见一只可卡犬(American Cocker Spaniel)在散步时,看见水池里的鸭群想追上去,结果竟兴奋到肌肉僵硬,接着四肢朝天倒地不起,让不少网友纷纷好奇到底是怎么一回事。
▲彼得其实是患有先天性肌强直症(myotonia congenita)。(图/翻摄自YouTube/ViralHog)
对此,彼得的主人跳出来表示,彼得天生就有这种神经的怪病,牠无法控制自己的兴奋程度,经常导致牠四肢僵硬并倒地不起,「不过这种状况是暂时性的,不会感到疼痛,只要经过几秒钟就能恢复。」他解释道,这种病称为先天性肌强直症(myotonia congenita),其实并不是失去意识而昏倒,它与中枢神经的功能无关。
Mum just told me the funniest thing. She reckons I'm being neutered next week ..... Oh wait, she's serious ××××× Photo by @velvetfoxphotography
Peter(@petrifiedpete)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 10 日 下午 12:31 张贴
Today I had a good day. I managed a lap of the field with only 1 fall. I had a couple stiff moments when I met some new doggos and I met my first squirrel so obviously that was VERY exciting (worth the fall if you ask me) The humans think I did so well because the ground was nice and dry, you can see in this video from last week I really don't like the rain. Theyre going to shorten my walks when it's wet to keep me safe but that means I need to find new ways to keep my brain busy. Can anybody recommend doggy brain toys? Chewing up mums cushions isn't an option apparently
Peter(@petrifiedpete)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 20 日 下午 12:41 张贴
据悉,美国南方的田纳西州(State of Tennessee)也曾出现过一种特有品种的「昏倒羊」(fainting goat),只要一受到惊吓,就会紧张到全身僵硬,吓得动弹不得而倒地,牠们也是患有这种先天性肌强直症,这种疾病就连人类都有可能受影响。