暑假逛美术馆…6岁童遭人「从10F往下丢」尖叫四起 路人合力压制嫌犯

英国泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)。(图/达志影像美联社


英国一名6岁男童4日与家人前往泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)时,因不明原因遭人从10楼丢下,坠落在5楼屋顶上,身受重伤。目击者指出,听到一阵撞击声,接着景观台上传来尖叫声,还有一名女性大喊着「他是我儿子」,接着众人合力将17岁嫌犯压倒在地,等待警方到场,目前仍未查出这名嫌犯与男童的关系

伦敦救护人员指出,当地时间4日下午2点40分左右接获报案火速赶往现场后,发现一名6岁的男童倒在泰特现代美术馆5楼屋顶,重伤昏迷,紧急用直升机将男童送往医院伤势严重,目前仍在观察。目击者巴恩菲尔德(Nancy Barnfield)表示,当时她与儿子正在10楼参观,准备离开时听到一声巨响,还有女性尖叫喊着「我的儿子在哪里」,接着有十几个人冲向一名男子,并将他压倒在地。


The child from the Tate Modern has been rescued. Prayers for them and their family. @se1 @BBCNews @itvnews #tatemodern #incident #rescue pic.twitter.com/GfkOKi9LHR


We can confirm a 6-year-old child was taken to hospital today following an incident at Tate Modern & is in critical condition. A 17-year-old male was arrested on site. Tate is working closely with the police. All our thoughts are with the child and his family.


Teenage boy arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after boy, 6, 'thrown' from Tate Modern viewing gallery https://t.co/PwDB8YZ0n6 pic.twitter.com/k9YJ3Gj291