瞬间画面曝!印度巨型起重机倒塌至少10死 传多人受困

印度斯坦造船厂(Hindustan Shipyard Limited)1日发生工安意外。(图/翻摄自推特)


印度安得拉邦1日下午发生重大工安意外事故,印度斯坦造船厂(Hindustan Shipyard Limited)一座巨型起重机倒塌,已知至少10人死亡,现仍有多人受困。目前紧急救援小组已赶抵现场抢救,多辆救护车在现场待命,协助转移伤者前往医院接受治疗。



Another industrial accident in #Vizag. This time, a massive crane collapsed at Hindustan Shipyard, #Visakhapatnam. About seven people suspected to have died due to the crash and another 10 workers still stuck under it. Rescue operations are on. pic.twitter.com/6k46LdTabQ

My deepest condolences to the families of the deceased in the accident when a heavy crane collapsed at Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Visakhapatnam resulting in death of 10 people. Authorities must ensure best treatment for those injured and wish their speedy recovery.#OmShantipic.twitter.com/oneTZggTfQ