



稍早,彭博社指出英国与欧盟在爱尔兰海关边界上想法有所出入,特别是增值税的征收部分英国首相强生(Boris Johnson)在推特上表示,他的国家和欧盟已经达成了「全新的」英国脱欧协议。欧盟主席荣克也在推特上表示,欧盟与英国已经达成一项公平、平衡的协议,并且证明我们可以有解决方案

???????????????????? Where there is a will, there is a #deal - we have one! It’s a fair and balanced agreement for the EU and the UK and it is testament to our commitment to find solutions. I recommend that #EUCO endorses this deal. pic.twitter.com/7AfKyCZ6k9


We’ve got a great new deal that takes back control — now Parliament should get Brexit done on Saturday so we can move on to other priorities like the cost of living, the NHS, violent crime and our environment #GetBrexitDone #TakeBackControl