无头女童尸「严重腐坏」冲上希腊海滩 生前冒险乘船溺毙
▲ 今年为止,已有超过200名难民在冒险横渡地中海时罹难。(图/达志影像/美联社)
▲▼ 难民冒险渡海,其中不乏孩童与婴儿。(图/达志影像/美联社)
莱斯博斯岛周遭区域有大批难民时常冒险渡海,岛上甚至形成惊人的「救生衣墓地」。国际移民组织(International Organization for Migration)的资料显示,今年为止,已有超过200名难民在冒险横渡地中海时罹难,他们大多数人的目的地是义大利。
Tens of thousands of lifejackets and hundreds of boats make up what has hauntingly become known as the ‘Lifejacket Graveyard’ in Lesbos. They were cleared from the northern beaches of the Greek island and moved inland following a drop in the number of… https://t.co/200kn7tcLm pic.twitter.com/KpP7YNzG9B
Yannis Behrakis, one of #Reuters' most decorated and best-loved #photographers, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was 58. A #Syrian #refugee holds onto his children as he struggles to walk off a dinghy on the #Greek island of #Lesbos, September 24, 2015. pic.twitter.com/SBigpB4ygI