英国外交大臣祝贺蔡英文 盼台湾与中国化解歧见
2016总统大选落幕,民进党主席蔡英文以689万票,成为台湾首位女总统,立委选战也取得民进党单独过半,首次达成绿营完全执政。对此,英国外交大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)也表达祝贺,「期盼台湾与中国政府持续透过对话,化解歧见」。
英国外交大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)祝贺声明原文:Statement from the UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond:
"The Presidential and legislative elections held in Taiwan today are testament to Taiwan’s thriving democracy. I offer my warm congratulations to the people of Taiwan on the smooth and mature conduct of those elections and to Dr Tsai Ing-wen and her party for having won their support. I hope that Taiwan and the Chinese Government will continue their dialogue to resolve differences and maintain the recent trend of constructive relations."