影/脱毛狗躲麻袋抖一碰就痛到尖叫 6周后惊人变化惹哭网友


印度一只狗狗全身脱毛瑟缩在麻布袋里,一被碰触就痛得尖叫,牠不知道多久没吃过东西了,一闻到饼干味道忍着身体剧痛,颤抖着走到食物旁吃了起来,小小的身躯需要忍受巨大的痛苦,令人十分不忍。然而在救援团体Animal Aid Unlimited照顾了6周之后,小狗狗有了巨大的蜕变。

▲小狗狗全身毛的掉光了,不知道多久没有吃东西。(图/翻摄自Animal Aid Unlimited)

Animal Aid Unlimited分享了小狗狗Jumper重生过程,他们起初接获通报路边有只病得非常重的小狗,到现场想把狗狗带回救治,发现小家伙还只是个宝宝,全身的毛都脱光了,塞在麻布袋里面惊吓得直发抖,只要一触碰就痛得尖叫,最后用饼干才成功引诱小家伙带上车


▲在保育员的照顾之下,小可怜重生了!(图/翻摄自Animal Aid Unlimited)



We got a call to rescue a very sick street puppy. We found him hiding in a plastic bag, and the moment we touched the bag he screamed in pain. He was desperately hungry so we could coax him out with biscuits, but every time we tried to touch him he cried out. He had severe mange and a deep wound on his hip that was causing him the shooting pains every time he moved. This dear little boy was in so much pain and agitation, his worried eyes never relaxed for even a moment in the first several days after rescue. But after 6 weeks of medicine and care, meet Jumper today! Please donate to be the reason someone heals today: https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/how-to-help/donate