

Playing the Lute to a Cow


Once upon a time, there was a very talented lute player. He had studied music since childhood and practiced tirelessly, becoming extremely skilled. One day, he went to the countryside, hoping to showcase his beautiful melodies.


On a path between the fields, he saw a cow leisurely grazing on the grass. He thought, “Since everyone enjoys listening to my lute playing, this cow should like it too!” So, he sat down next to the cow, placed the lute on his lap, and began playing his best tunes.


The music flowed like a stream, sometimes as gentle as a breeze, sometimes as cheerful as a bird’s song. He was confident in his playing and completely immersed in his music. From time to time, he glanced at the cow, hoping it would be captivated by the melody.


However, the cow didn’t notice his playing at all. It kept its head down, munching on the fresh grass and occasionally swishing its tail to chase away flies. He sped up his playing, making the music more intense, hoping the energetic rhythm would grab the cow’s attention.


But the cow still didn’t look up at him even once. It remained focused on eating, entirely ignoring his efforts. He grew a little angry and thought the cow had no appreciation for music. So, he switched to another tune, slowed down the rhythm, and played more softly, trying to enchant the cow with a gentle melody.


Yet, no matter how hard he tried to change the tune, the cow just kept eating, undisturbed. Unwilling to give up, he played one song after another until the sun set. Finally, exhausted, he packed up his lute and left the fields.


The next day, the lute player met an old farmer. Seeing the lute player’s dejected expression, the farmer asked what had happened. He sighed and told the farmer all about his attempt to play the lute to the cow.


The old farmer laughed heartily and said, “Lute player, how could a cow understand your music? It only knows how to eat grass and can’t appreciate your tunes!”The lute player suddenly understood his mistake. He realized that music should only be played for those who can appreciate it; otherwise, it's a waste of time.


This story tells us that when sharing ideas, we should consider whether the audience can understand them. If we try to explain profound concepts to someone who can’t grasp them, it’s like playing the lute to a cow—it wastes time and doesn’t achieve the desired effect.