2只奶猫被丢垃圾桶「喵喵」哭泣 帅哥消防员救了牠们
▲可爱小猫被丢在垃圾桶。(图/翻摄自Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation)
We’ve got a heartwarming behind-the-scenes story for you today! Two 10-day-old kittens came to ARF after being found in a dumpster by a good Samaritan after their little cries were heard coming from inside. We brought the precious newborns into our Clinic, where they were crying loudly - we don’t blame them, being away from Mom is hard!Another ARF cat, who just weaned her litter of four kittens on Wednesday, heard their cries and instantly began chirping, trying to locate them. So we brought them all into a quiet room, introduced them...and then this happened.Right now, they’re all together in our Clinic - Mom’s making “muffins”, the babies are nursing heartily, and everybody’s headed to a foster home tonight! We’ll keep you updated on this special family, but first, we have a request! These female babies are still unnamed, and we’re looking for suggestions! Leave us a comment with your best suggestion, and give a “Like” to thank this superstar mama!Happy Friday, Facebook friends :)