
日本8岁滑板神童Sky Brown,高超技术大人都输惹!(图/翻摄自Sky & Ocean Awsmkids Facebook,下同)


先前南韩正妹高孝周玩滑板,踏的每一步伐都像再跳舞,引起网友疯传,更大赞她是「滑板女神」。而最近美国Vans滑板公开赛中,出现了史上最年轻的女选手Sky Brown,来自日本宫崎的她拥有粉嫩的可爱脸蛋,虽然年仅8岁,但滑板技术却已能打趴一票人,再度在网路上掀起转载。


Sky and Ocean(@awsmkids)张贴影片 于 2015 年 11月 月 3 3:02下午 PST 张贴


Sky and Ocean(@awsmkids)张贴的相片 于 2016 年 9月 月 6 4:39下午 PDT 张贴

Sky and Ocean taking a rare moment of chill and thought in a busy Skatepark this Friday evening..Living Everyday like its Friday!! I can just feel This is gonna be another rad year, always so much fun with these two monkeys always making me giggle.. I can't always be there to catch them when they fall, but I will ALWAYS be there to to pick them up, hold them when they cry, make them laugh, and support whatever ever they do!! #fueledbyfun #soproudtobeyourdad #precioustimes #ocean #sky #awsmkids #skatelife #skater #skaterkids #4yearsold #7yearold #girl @ulacesneakerlaces

Sky and Ocean(@awsmkids)张贴的相片 于 2016 年 3月 月 18 7:00上午 PDT 张贴