阿荣福利味/Snap2HTML - 输出目录结构


资料夹树状目录输出软体 - Snap2HTML,支援万国码(Unicode),能够将资料夹结构产出为单一HTML档(样本),还内建搜寻框可以搜寻档案,可以包含隐藏档(Include hidden items)、包含系统档(Include system items)、连结至档案(Link files),在你想要把某个资料夹底下包含的档案结构分享给别人时,这个免费软体就可以派上用场!(阿荣)

Snap2HTML takes a "snapshot" of folder structures on your harddrive and saves as HTML files. What's unique about Snap2HTML is that the HTML file uses modern techniques to make it feel more like a "real" application, similar to Windows Explorer, displaying a treeview with folders that you can click to view the files contained within. There is also a built in file search. Still, everything is contained in a single HTML file that you can easily store or distribute.

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