澳洲鹈鹕脖子插着一把刀!悠哉在湖边散步 目击民众吓坏
▲受伤的鹈鹕很坚强!挺着一把刀趴趴走...(图/翻摄自Carlos Perez脸书,下同)
综合外媒报导,目击者史蒂芬唐妮(Stephanie Downey)日前到丹马克镇出差,结果在公园湖边录到一只受伤的鹈鹕,看着牠跟着伙伴静静的走路,身上的刀子也随着牠晃动,随后将影片上传至脸书引发网友热议,大家觉得很震惊又难过。
唐妮也向媒体《The West Australian》受访表示,「当地渔夫说鹈鹕已经再公园徘徊3天多,大家想要帮助牠,但是鹈鹕实在太难靠近了!而且牠一直啄着刀子,看起来好像很不舒服,不知道牠在这个状态下可以活多久。」;当地的动物保护协会RSPCA和警方已经着手调查,但警方无法对此事做出评论。
who the fuck does this A pelican has been spotted walking past a Western Australia river with a huge blade impaled through its shoulder. The injured bird was captured on video in Western Australia walking calmly with other pelicans with the knife dangling out its body. Shocked onlookers can be heard in the footage gasping 'oh my god' as they watch the injured animal. The video was posted on Facebook by Stephanie Downey in Denmark, a coastal town in the state's far south-east. The huge knife appears to be almost as long as the bird's large beak, and has been skewered through the poor pelican up to its handle. There are several inches between the entrance and exit point of the blade, which suggests it has deeply wounded the bird. Despite this, it appears uninjured as it walks freely among its flock. Denmark Police said they were aware of the footage but were unable to comment.