白目男遭遇「珍贵濒危鲸鲨」 竟然嬉闹把牠当冲浪板踩


尊重动物、爱惜生命英国动保团体Marine Connection在16日刊登了一则「脚踩鲸鲨影片,强烈谴责部分游客的荒诞行径。影片当中,两名男子发现鲸鲨浮出水面,竟然忘情大笑,还游过去爬上鲸鲨的背,所有内容全被拍了下来。


Marine Connection在脸书贴文中指出,这两男的行为非常可悲,因为他们不知道自己有多么幸运,「能遇见鲸鲨如此难得,他们却用这种方式来对待牠…」。据了解,两男不仅爬上鲸鲨的背上嬉戏,还把牠当成冲浪板踩,同行的友人更是放声大笑,不知道大伙做错了什么。

鲸鲨以浮游生物为食,又称豆腐鲨,是目前世界体型最大的鱼类,但因人类污染渔业活动,已经被国际自然保护联盟(World Conservation Union)列为濒危物种红色名录



Wildlife harassment is never a laughing matterUnbelievable footage of individuals 'surfing' a whale shark. What a sad reflection on their attitude to wildlife when, instead of considering themselves fortunate to see this majestic creature in the wild, they choose to participate in a stupid stunt like this (wonder if they would have done this with a great white shark?). As whale sharks are protected - the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List of Threatened Species lists the Whale Shark as vulnerable - these guys should be charged - come on FB community, please help bring these people to justice for their stupidity and arrogance treating a protected species in this way. Please share widely.