蔡英文元旦谈话「英语版」 台湾是国际不可或缺的一员
随后,她也以「英文」向世界问候,提到台湾自豪与国际社会并肩对抗疫情挑战,展现「Taiwan can help」,强调台湾是国际社会的良善力量,是不可或缺的一员,同时也感谢国际社会对台湾持续的支持,这对2300万人民意义重大,也让台湾的民主更强大。
I also want to say a few words for our international audience.
Taiwan has been proud to have worked alongside the international community to confront the challenges posed by COVID-19. We have shown again and again that “Taiwan can help.”
As a force for good in the world, we will continue to be an indispensable member of the international community, both now and into the future.
We are also deeply grateful for the international community's continued support for Taiwan. Your willingness to stand together with us as we are faced with difficult regional and global challenges, is significant for the 23 million freedom-loving people of Taiwan. Our democracy is stronger because of your support.
Thank you. We hope everyone around the world is able to enjoy a restful and safe new year.