大负鼠遇蟒蛇被吞画面曝光! 捕蛇专家:5公斤宠物都难活命
BIG FEED FOR THIS PYTHON.. CHECK OUT THE SIZE OF THAT POSSUM!! *Warning Graphic Content* A video was sent to us last night of carpet python consuming a massive possum in Alexandra hills. This is the biggest possum we’ve seen!! can you believe it only took this snake just under an hour to finish. Now that’s impressive.! Unfortunately if you have outdoor animals such as guinea pigs, birds, cats & dogs under 5kgs. Clearly they wouldn’t stand a chance if a hungry python stopped by, look how easy it was for this fella. Snakes eat anything with fur or feathers, so its unfair to blame a snake when they don’t know they’ve just eaten your beloved pet. So please keep this video in mind of you own any animals listed above. Stewy on 0434 146 109 of you need any reptiles removed from your home or business #Brisbane #logan #Redlands #snakecatcher www.brisbane-snake-catcher.com.au
这段影片14日被分享于粉丝专页「Brisbane Snake Catchers」,该粉专专门提供捕蛇、驱蛇等服务,也时常分享有关蛇类的知识。从约1分钟的影片可见,蟒蛇缠住负鼠尸身3圈,还不断蠕动吞吃,努力将食物塞进嘴中,没有太在意有人靠近录影,引得拍摄下这段画面的年轻男女惊呼连连。
▲▼澳洲巨蟒吞吃巨大负鼠花不到1小时。(图/翻摄自FB/Brisbane Snake Catchers)