


与往年相同的是,外交部和驻全球各地的代表处皆有发表评论或透过社交媒体为台湾的实质参与发声。在美国,驻美代表俞大㵢在《国会山庄报》发表评论,并且在全球各地广泛使用「#Taiwan Can Help」「#Taiwan Is Helping」和/或「#Count Taiwan In」这些口号。











The 2024 Pity Party at the World Health Assembly

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

X: @RossFeingold

This year’s 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO) was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May to 1 June. With regard to Taiwan’s efforts to have substantive participation in the WHA this year, some things were the same as in past years, though some things were different.

Among the things that remain the same as in past years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and representative offices around the world published commentaries or used social media to make the case for Taiwan’s substantive participation. In the United States it included a commentary published in The Hill by Representative to the United States Alexander Yui Tah-ray, and around the world often included the slogans “#TaiwanCanHelp” “#TaiwanIsHelping”, and/or “#CountTaiwanIn”.

As in past years, Taiwan sent a delegation of government officials known as the “WHA Action Team” to Geneva led by the Health and Welfare Minister. The minister met with other countries’ health ministers and government officials who were attending the WHA meeting. This author has in the past referred to this as Taiwan’s “Pity Party” events on the sidelines of the WHA meeting, because the officials from those other countries come to offer Taiwan their pity and encouragement, but are unable to get Taiwan into the WHA meeting.

Something else that is unchanged from past years was that a large number of countries or members of parliaments issued statements in support of Taiwan’s participation. In recent weeks MOFA was very busy issuing thank you statements. This includes on June 1, MOFA issued a statement that proclaimed this year Taiwan’s efforts to participate in the WHA received the highest amount of support ever. On May 30, MOFA issued a statement to thank Czechia’s Senate for passing a resolution to support Taiwan’s participation in the WHA (the fourth year in a row that the Czechia Senate passed such a resolution). On May 29 MOFA issued a thank you statement to Taiwan’s diplomatic allies and countries with like minded values that spoke on Taiwan’s behalf at the WHA (this statement referred to eleven of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies as well as Japan, Canada, Czechia, the United States, New Zealand, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, for having specifically spoken about Taiwan, and Latvia and Israel were cited in this MOFA statement as having “echoed Taiwan’s demands by stressing the need for inclusivity.” On May 28 MOFA issued a thank you statement to countries that supported Taiwan’s inclusion (which statement also expressed Taiwan’s dissatisfaction that the WHA rejected the proposal by friendly countries to include on the WHA agenda the question of Taiwan’s participation). On May 26, MOFA issued a thank you statement for the different ways countries expressed their support for Taiwan’s participation in the WHO and WHA. On May 25, MOFA issued a statement which reported that Minister of Foreign Affairs Lin Chia-lung and Health and Welfare Minister Chiu Tai-yuan held a joint press conference at which they said Taiwan is steadfast in its efforts to continue to seek participation in the WHO and WHA. On May 24, MOFA issued a thank you statement for the joint statement about Taiwan’s WHA and WHO participation issued by the representative offices in Taipei of the United States, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Czechia, and Lithuania.

On May 15, MOFA issued a thank you statement for the joint letter signed by members of the “Formosa Club” (which includes members of the European Parliament, European national parliaments, and the Canadian Parliament), who urged the World Health Organization to invite Taiwan to meaningfully participate in this year’s WHA (the letter was sent to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, with copies sent to President of the European Council Charles Michel, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. On May 2, MOFA issued a thank you statement for United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement issued the previous day that “United States strongly encourages the WHO to reinstate an invitation to Taiwan to participate as an observer”.

Among the things that were different this year is that Taiwan has a new President, a new Foreign Minister, and a new Health and Welfare Minister. However, their approach to the issue of Taiwan’s WHA participation was the same as the previous Tsai Administration. Another difference was that a cross-party delegation of Legislative Yuan members also flew to Geneva to advocate for Taiwan, and included Johnny Chiang, Chinese Nationalist Party Legislator and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Yuan.

After the WHA meeting concluded, the United States sent a delegation of officials to Taipei to meet with the Taiwan government and representative offices in Taipei of like-minded countries to further discuss Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. However, MOFA in its statement about this visiting delegation (and probably at the request of the United States) did not name the visiting American officials.

As an American, this author is disappointed that the United States did not publicize the names of these State Department officials. This author is also disappointed the Lai Administration would accept this. When I was a child, my parents taught me to be skeptical of anyone who says “I’m your friend, but our friendship needs to be a secret”.

Ultimately, expressions of international support did not result in changing the situation, and China’s influence in the WHO ensures Taiwan cannot participate in the WHA unless China approves.

Perhaps it’s time that Taiwan tries a different approach? This author has previously written that Taiwan should stop trying to seek participation in any international organization that does not want Taiwan to participate. For the WHA and WHO, Taiwan can wait for when, and if, the WHA or WHO beg Taiwan to participate. Alternatively, Taiwan can hope that Donald Trump is elected President, and the United States again leaves the WHO and creates a new “Like Minded Countries Health Organization” that Taiwan can join. Such an approach would better maintain Taiwan’s dignity!